Public information licence

The freely reusable public information licence (French:Licence information publique librement réutilisable or LIP) is a public copyright license, created 2 April 2010,[1] that permits the free and open reuse, commercially or not, of information released by a French public institution, on condition of respecting article 12 of the law of 17 July 1978. Not all French public sector information is placed under this license; Anne Fauconnier of the state intellectual property agency specifies that this LIP is and remains strictly reserved to certain information published by the Ministry of Justice (France).[2]


Licence "information publique librement réutilisable"

The logo of this licence strongly resembles those of Creative Commons licences since it is arranged according to the terms of the CC-by-sa 2.0 licence.[3][4] It is more strict, though, in that it requires a documents' "meaning be not transformed, and that their sources and their update dates be mentioned,",[5] which makes it closer to the Creative Commons No-Derivatives License, rather than the Share-Alike License.

See also



  1. ^ "Licence " information publique librement réutilisable " | RIP-MJ". Retrieved 3 September 2022.
  2. ^ Précision obtenue par Daniel Rodet lors des rencontres Wikimedia 2010 à Paris[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ "selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l’Identique 2.0 France" (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike licence 2.0)
  4. ^ Le ministère de la Justice crée une licence "information publique librement réutilisable" ("The Ministry of Justice creates a freely reusable public information licence"),, 8 April 2010
  5. ^ "Licence " conditions of the reuse of public information that is freely reusable "".