Tea and books and stupid crap



Baby Eursulon has been rolling around in my head since I first heard the episode two months ago 🥹



This is excellent advice, especially in light of this article I came across the other day.
Ignoring Bad Faith Right-Wingers Doesn’t Work Anymore. Debate or Debunk Them.
and now I can’t decide if the person who...




This is excellent advice, especially in light of this article I came across the other day.

and now I can’t decide if the person who wrote it is that ignorant of How Things Work or is secretly trying to give trolls and other bad actors more people to debate and thus recruit.

It’s also worth noting that the Twitter account is Siobhan Thompson from CollegeHumor/Dropout, and she’s a great follow.






There is a forbidden type of magic out there. It isn’t forbidden because it’s inherently evil, or forces you to lose your humanity, or requires human sacrifices - it’s just forbidden because it’s annoying as heck to fight against.

“Ma’am, I really must insist that you
pay for the room and board I’ve been giving you! It’s been a week!”

“Fine, fine,” I grumble. “I have a few options for payment: I could give you paper money, cheap gaudy jewelry, chocolate coins, spiders, some pretty seashells-”

“Spiders????” he repeats, baffled.

“Spiders it is, then,” I agree equitably, and with a wave of my hand the bed I’ve been sleeping in for the last week turns into a writhing mass of various spiders.

Worth it.

“Stop right there! You’re under arrest for fraud, destruction of property, and-!”

I yawn. “Didn’t ask, don’t care.” A few gestures, and the guards’ swords are all transmuted into spiders, and then they’re too busy to worry about little ol’ me.

“You have insulted my honor and humiliated me in front of my children! I demand satisfaction! I demand a wizard’s duel!”

Shrugging, I say, “Sure, okay, whatever. Right here and now okay?”

The pompous wizard-noble blinks. “I- you don’t want to prepare? Get your wizard’s staff or anything?”

“Nah, I’m pretty good with somatic gestures.”

“Well, if you’re sure… here and now then! Have at you!” He slams his staff down on the ground dramatically, a small shockwave of fire radiating out from the impact.

So of course, I turn his staff into spiders.


“So if you’re too busy screaming to cast spells, does that mean I win?”


“I’m taking that as a yes.”

After that, they start coming at me in waves, with cheap wands and staves and swords and bows bought in bulk, hoping to exhaust my magical reserves so they can get close enough to put a magic inhibitor on me.

They did not expect my reserves to be as vast as they were, not did they expect me to be able to transmute the inhibitors themselves into spiders.

“Didn’t you take Magic Basics in wizard college?” I yell at the panicking mages. “Inhibitors aren’t immune to magic until the moment they activate! Serious weak point in the design, tell your magitechnicians to fix that!”

So of course they try assassins next.

Poison fails, because I transmute any food and drink I get into spiders and then transmute them back. Pretty easy way to get rid of poison.

So then they try knives in dark alleys. The knives bruise through my full-body spider-silk outfit, but do not penetrate, and they only get one shot before they have bigger problems.

Next is killing me in my sleep. None live to report back that the human-shaped lump under the blankets is actually a mass of highly venomous spiders.

The kingdom throws everything it has at me, and I continue to walk away, heralded by the chittering of spiders and the screams of everyone else.

Finally, I stand before the king himself in his overly opulent throne room, and by now he is a broken shell of a man in the face of my unorthodox tactics.


“What do you want?” he practically sobs. “You’ve singlehandedly redirected the entire crown’s budget for the next three years into replacing every weapon you’ve turned into spiders. Much more and we’ll be invaded by our neighbors! We wouldn’t be able to resist being annexed! So what can I give you to make you stop doing this?!”

I pause and pretend to consider, tapping a finger against my chin thoughtfully. “You know, you sent my brother off to war a few years back. That conflict with the Yughs up north, I believe. He didn’t want to go, so your guards forced him at spearpoint. I haven’t seen him since.”

He seizes on that, as I expected. “Yes, yes, I’ll have him returned right away! Tell me his name and I’ll honorably release him from duty and have him escorted safely home!”

“Oh?” I raise one sardonic eyebrow. “Are you able to bring back the dead now, oh wise and glorious king?”

He pales, and it’s the most satisfying thing I’ve seen in years.

“You have nothing I want,” I growl, letting the anger slip through for the first time in years. “You cannot bring him back, you cannot make up for my loss with all the riches in your kingdom. The only thing I want is to take everything from you, the way you did to me. Your kingdom will bleed out of resources, one of the neighboring countries you’ve been trying to conquer for decades now will take advantage and annex this place, and you will either be executed or forced to work for a living for the first time in your life.”

I glare at him, and he refuses to meet my eyes. “You will lose everything you ever cared about in your life. One spider at a time.”

I transmute his throne and crown into spiders (non-deadly; he doesn’t get to escape my wrath that easily), then turn and walk away, ignoring his screams and sobs.

And that’s why, when the Yughs finally annexed the kingdom I grew up in, they preemptively made Transarachnomancy a forbidden magical art. Not sure how they intend to enforce that, mind, but I’m not looking to challenge that. I’ve gotten what I wanted; if some other aspiring mage wants to try and follow in my footsteps, that’s not my problem.

Besides, in terms of magical skill, I’ve always been an outlier anyway. Most mages would be lucky to turn just one knife into a spider at a time; I can turn ten thousand with a few gestures. I doubt anyone will outdo my legacy.

But hey, if you want to try and surpass Georgia of the Spiders? Feel free. I’ll welcome the competition.



Amazing A+ no notes



Ame: “You gotta know, I gotta know that you know, that it bothers you even just a little bit!”
Fox: “What bothers me?”
Ame: “What other people think of you!”
Fox: “No. If they can’t catch me, they can think whatever they want about me.”
Ame: “And if they can catch you?”
Fox: “Ohohoho, I’m in trouble.”
Ame: “Yeah.. Imagine that they can always catch you, then how would you live your life? Would you always be doing what you wanted to do?”
Fox: “Yeah, because if I stop doing what I wanted to do then they’ve already caught me.”
Ame: “Ugh, I hate how much sense you make.”

– Worlds Beyond Number, Episode 9.

This. This is my favorite. I love the fox.




A bunch of stuff is up to 25% off! ALSO THE BARBAROUS CHAPTER 5 BUNDLES HAVE ARRIVED!!!

(Also all patrons at Patreon get an extra coupon code PLUS some EXTRA SECRET INFORMATION 👀)


I just really wanted people to actually read my dumb box giveaway post in the town Facebook group






You know that whole trope where like, the protagonists get teleported up into the aliens’ spaceship or base or whatever and the alien appears to them only it doesn’t appear as it really looks like but rather, since it doesn’t want to scare the protagonists, it takes the form of something we find familiar and pleasing and is like, “I look like your dad or whatever–is this form okay?” Like I think about that trope a lot and I think like, what if the alien couldn’t pick out a form via telepathy and only had earth media to try and decide what form would scare its human guests least and be accepted almost immediately and honestly the more I think about it the more options for what form that might be are just really fun to me.

“I have chosen the form of your earth playwright and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda–do not be afraid. I come in peace.”

“Greetings. I am Glofnorbo of the cloud you call the ‘Pegasus Nebula.’ I have scanned your earth media from afar and empirically decided that you would find the form of the one known as Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson most pleasing. I have come to confer with your leaders.” 

“Do not be panic. I come in peace. I have assumed the form of your insectoid demigoddess ‘Hatsune Miku’ so that we may communicate peacefully without my true form horrifying you.” 

“It was decided that I would assume the form of your ‘Mister Rogers’ in order to best welcome your world to the galactic neighborhood without frightening your kind.”

“…So did your colleague take on the form of Jack Black for that reason too?”

“No, that is the actual Jack Black. We do not know how to make him leave.”

“…So did your colleague

take on the form of Jack Black

for that reason too?”

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

I’m just envisionling jack black standing in the corner of the alien spaceship with a toy saxophone just jamming along with the sounds of whatever’s powering it

Yeah everybody in this post needs to read Space Opera by Cat Valente like right fuckin









100% for real, this lil fash shithead has no idea, but this is such an absolutely perfect encapsulation of how the squalid institution of hetero marriage under capitalism is. Marx could not have phrased it better himself.

This is what they have in mind as the ideal, as the institution that the state is supposed to revolve around. All the means testing, tax shit, etc etc etc All the medieval fuckery that treats people who aren’t married as different from people who aren’t. This is what it comes down to.


Is the the alt right idiot who pissed in his own mouth or am I thinking of a different alt right idiot

The what?!

I did a risky google and I was thinking of a different alt right idiot

In my defense they all seem like theyd do that lol


There’s a special, specific kind of joy watching Worlds Beyond Number listeners call out what they see as the beginnings of Suvi’s disillusionment arc.

It just makes me want to pull them in close and whisper in their ear “Do you think you’re watching Barbie or Oppenheimer?” before giving them a little kiss on the cheek.

“Four year old beekeeper distracted by a roly-poly.
Best picture in the world
#im rollin the polies im keepin the bees
#i holy the molies and do as i please
#i’ve circled the sun about four times or...




Four year old beekeeper distracted by a roly-poly.

Best picture in the world

#im rollin the polies im keepin the bees

#i holy the molies and do as i please

#i’ve circled the sun about four times or so

#the earth gets more lovely the more that i know

(tags via @orcboxer)