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Ear and Ear (a) just dropped. Meet our new audio line-up here.

special edition

Phone (2a) Special Edition

A story of colour, told through our most powerfully unique smartphone yet.



CMF Phone 1 is coming

Wonderful by design.
Sign-up to get notified.



Community Edition

The ultimate version of Phone (2a). Built from our community’s imagination. 

Submissions for Stage 3: Packaging Design are now open. Share your idea with us today.



Sound, evolved.

Our best-ever audio experience.

ear ( a )

Ear (a)

Let’s play.

Made for every part of every day.

phone ( 2a )

Phone (2a)

A new icon is born.

Powerfully unique from the inside out.


Glyph Developer Kit

Introducing the Glyph Developer Kit. Your opportunity to integrate apps with the iconic Glyph Interface.

API key registration is now open.

phone (2)

Phone (2)

A new era. Where iconic design meets premium performance. 

Come to the bright side. 



Nothing Apparel

Drop 1 has landed. 

Our Transparent Labcoat and Cap are available to buy now.

Available in limited quantities only.

  • Wallpaper*

    “A radical reinterpretation of mobile tech”
  • Highsnobiety

    "Boundary-pushing aesthetics"
  • GQ

    “The most hyped tech company in years”