Sleepwalking Insomniac

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


Hi! Little info about me!

Don’t have a name I’m comfortable using on this site rn (I avoid using my real name, and I’m thinking of finding a more gender neutral version of my name irl)

Ok with the username-nickname Coffee, though!

He/They preferred

I draw stuff??? Write when I can? I’m probably gonna do a FNAF AU fan comic if I ever get the motivation.

I’m pretty opinionated on fandom topics (especially theories and shipping discourse), so please be aware of this and expect I do rant a lot, especially about the FNAF community.


-FNAF (all posts part of my AU)



-Batman (again, AU)

-SCP (just getting into it)

-Dungeon Meshi

-My Eyes Deceive

DNI: Pro/comshippers, M@PS/p*dos, zoos, terfs, bigots, trolls, etc (you guys know who you are). 18+/NSFW accounts can interact, but don’t send me inappropriate content or reblog my content.

Content warnings (I tag these things): blood, violence, gore, mental illness depictions and fandom-typical abuse. Suggestive/raunchy jokes may show up but I don’t post explicit content ever. SA implications or mentions may show up in some of my content for my stories (mainly with my William A.’s backstory) but ONLY in implicative form (do NOT interact with such posts if you are trying to get off to them- it’s serious content matter, not a kink fic). Also, this isn’t a vore blog, but I do mention SFW (yes, NONSEXUAL) vore in jokes and characters posts from time to time.





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I don’t have the link on me but I can try to find it but I remember seeing this fnaf analysis ages ago we’re in one version of the persons timeline Mike could have been as young as 14 at the time of sister location (you can work at a parents business at pretty much any age exempt from a lot of the usual requirements) and I’m thinking about that yet again today (he was an adult in SL in my au but still)
Part of me is like “Oh my god that’s terrible, William sent his child son to go save his sister, and since it would have been right after Evan’s death, he probably did it out of spite for that, probably knowing full well Michael would be “killed”. He had his entire life ripped away from him at such a young age and he spent the rest of his life in agony, probably being shunned by his friends for his twisted form and deciding that he deserved it for what he did to Evan.”
The other half of me is like “lmfao they literally had a kid working there? No wonder the Funtimes wanted to kill him, he probably activated their kidnapping programming. He was probably like 6 inches too short for the springlock suit they put him in, no wonder he couldn’t see shit through it. Would he even age or is he a teenager throughout the entire series? Bet William still made him go to school all corpsy looking.”


OK realistically though would you not Be surprised if fazbear entertainment was totally fine with having a 14-year-old work at their murder establishment???

Also that is like horrible... Like that's just a kid.. Just like all the other kids he'd never be able to grow up or experience the world but you'd have the extra problem of having to like blending and still be a person. Also yeah, Imagining William putting up with energy's goofiness for a week and when ennard finally leaves is just like okay Michael enough with the silly business back to school with you While Michael's just shivering covered and blood on the couch


They would… although fr imagine you’re one of the technicians that rescued him after night 4 (?) and you’re just hauling this literal teenager out of your death machine springlock suit he’s been in for like 24 hours…

This isn’t a part of my main au, but I’m ABSOLUTELY gonna do a side au based on this premise. And yeah I love that idea it feels silly but also at the same time it’s like- William just allowing Elizabeth/Ennard to puppet Mike around like that and torture him because it means he gets to see his daughter again (and really it does just tell Mike who’s the more loved kid). Plus the fact that Mike would still be living with William after that and just have to silently deal with the knowledge his dad made him go through that.


Bro sister location is just a bunch of workplace violations held together by murderous robot Shenanigans....

How horrible would it be if William was like slightly disappointed that his daughter just like evicted herself out of Michael's skin and ran off into the sewer somewhere. Like how fucked up would it be if he was worried about her despite putting her in that situation to begin with. And then Michael having to deal with the fact that he is unloved by his father and like it can't just like run off because there's nowhere for him to run to. He can't exactly like call child protective services on William or the police because he's a monster now... So he's forced to stay with William and pretend like everything's fine.

Also with your au lore remnant Hunger must be crazy when you're like a 14-year-old boy



And yeah… I think William and Mike had a sort of unacknowledged silence agreement after Ennard left, William being disappointed that Liz was gone and Mike feeling abandoned by both of them. I think Mike would still kind of keep in contact with sewer Liz mostly out of desperation for some kind of old attachment. I wonder if William would ever try to play it off with an excuse or an apology or just never mention it again?

And yeah Mike ate someone in his class for sure.


He he he that's my job!

Yeah I think the house got really quiet after Liz left with the rest of Ennard. Williams missing his daughter and not really thinking about the only reason his daughter was a evil ball of spaghetti or murderous was because he shoved her in the murder basement... And Michael's probably just too terrified to talk about it. Poor Mike probably just wants his sister back and his brother back and is like well I deserve this because I was a bad brother. And I bet you that William doesn't even really bring up what happened, He just fixes the problem and acts like this is how Michael's always been and michael is being an annoyance and selfish selfish for asking questions or being scared.

Am I pressure that Got Michael ticket to the principal's office


Meaaannnn… ):

That’s kind of the thing about my William. He’ll feel sympathy for the people he hurts but never guilt. They’re hurting, sure, but that’s not his fault. They deserved it, he had a reason, it was going to happen anyway, he’ll always have a way to talk himself out of feeling any remorse. Fucked up old man.
Also like every day Mike would find out some random new messed up thing about being a zombie, like he just had an entire mouse scurry out of his ribcage at dinner once and William didn’t acknowledge it. I think William would make him live as normally as possible alongside the entire thing. Also instead of shunning his Foxy mask Mike wears it CONSTANTLY to cover up.

That one kid in the waiting room of the principals office who got sent there for throwing a pencil or something forced to sit next to Mike who literally has pieces of entrails on his shirt…


Smiles evilly

Truly fucked up old man... Like bro your son died and your daughter is in evil spaghetti monster in the sewers and you won't even acknowledge it.. Again as you said I think he's disappointed that his son is a mess but doesn't really think to blame himself for his son's current condition. William just deals with it when it confronts him and the rest of the time acts like things are normal. Well Mikey is just like barely holding himself together mentally.. It's probably worsened by William like just not acknowledging it. Poor little guy has to suffer all by himself.

After the classmate biting incident Bill just starts driving down to the morgue and bribing attendants to give him body parts and then just kind of like coming home throwing them into Michael's room and going on with his business As usual-


I wonder if Mike was conscious/sometimes in control while Ennard was controlling him (he is in my au). I wonder if he just silently went along with it or begged William for help with every breath he got. I wonder if William tried to explain the situation or scorned him or just pretended he couldn’t hear his son and only spoke to him when Elizabeth was in control.

Picturing Mike in ffps in this scenario feels less like “gay icon in his tumblr anime outfit” and more like “random child wearing a bear mask and suit he bought at a dollar tree who’s apparently the manager”

POV you’re having a sleepover with Mike and you roll out your sleeping bag on the floor of his room and accidentally end up lying on some guys fucking chewed up femur that Mike hastily grabs and chucks behind his bed.


Either way I don't think William really acknowledged Ennard It's something that like happened unless it's strictly necessary. I think he really wished that his son and daughter could have just gotten along for once so he could have had them both back... But no Michael had to cry about it like a baby..

LOL dislike 14-year-old boy with crutches and a $3 bear mask facing lawsuits and like purchasing animatronics is so funny to think about. Plus wonder if he ages mentally/physically or just stays the same.

Look he was hungry... Plus I think William had the kindness to at least like IDK make corpse stew and then throw it at Michael Instead of just making him chew on raw body parts. Except bones like you walk into this 14-year-old boys room and there are just like bits of human bone lying everywhere.


Jesus Christ they all need therapy so badly…

I like to think Mike doesn’t age physically but not sure whether or not mentally? Anyway yeah imagine watching him dragging this 8ft animatronic in from the back alley into the pizzeria. Like you ask him where the manager is assuming he’s the managers son and he’s just like “yeah, how can I help you?”


William made corpse soup for a while before realizing that heat dissipates remnant so he literally was just making useless cadaver water. THEN Mike had to gnaw on raw limbs. Also in my au the Aftons and Emilys were living together, so I wonder how Henry would have reacted to the whole thing. Probably one time he saw William making corpse soup and was like “ooo what are you making” and went to taste it and William just had to chuck the entire pot out the window before he got to it


Don't worry he won't get any

Yeah I think he's sort of ages mentally and kind of ages physically but by age physically I mean he grows like 3 inches taller Over the span of nearly 40 years. LOL imagine You go to a pretty fazbear establishment and you go to talk to the manager and the manager is a 14-year-old boy wearing a mask that reeks of death for some reason.. Also he keeps like chattering his teeth menacingly like he's about to lunch out and bite you.

I don't know much about your Henry but mine would definitely Be disgusted and confused. I don't think he didn't live in the same house is that thing. LOL Michael waking up at 12 AM because William just like chucked half of someone's leg into his room then shut the door and hope to God his strange dead son would just eat the leg and leave him alone. Don't worry he gives Michael like ketchup and vinegar and other like condiments and seasonings for his food. By throwing them at high-speed velocity directly at his son's head and then running away How to fear for his own safety



Ok thank god I’m not crazy I didn’t make this up

“ gimme-da-memes-b0ss:
“Bulbasaur was never the same after that day 🐉
Omg omg I got a bulbasaur at build a bear and I was kinda embarrassed about buying it for myself and stuff but there weren’t any other kids in the...

Bulbasaur was never the same after that day 🐉


Omg omg I got a bulbasaur at build a bear and I was kinda embarrassed about buying it for myself and stuff but there weren’t any other kids in the store or shoppers for that matter and the girl helping me said she was glad to here it was for me as she collects some plushies and has her own bulbasaur.

Well she was almost done stuffing him and then I noticed that you can put scents in your bear and fucking love cotton candy and the girl basically car salesmen style sold me on the scent pad and asked where I wanted the scent to go

And I didn’t know where it should go but she herself being quite the plushie enthusiast was like “you’re gonna hug him a lot right? may I reccomend right here” and pointed to his forehead

So I was like “awe cute yeah that sounds good” (my bulbasaur is totally stuffed mind you and I even had her make him extra firm )

and then the girl rolls up her sleeves and was like “alright bulbasaur! Here we go! I apologize in advance but this is gonna look very inappropriate!”

And she fisted my super full bulbasaur all the way to her elbow saying sorry to him and to me over and over again. It took her several tries to get the scent pad in place since my bulbasaur was so stuffed and she looked like she was straining and saying “I don’t know why they didn’t think about this design more, so many parents are gonna complain about this one day, I know it”

So all in all this was the best build a bear experience I’ve had since I was a little kid and I love my fat, cotton candy scented, anally inclined bulbasaur to pieces


Every time I see this post I cant stop fucking laughing



I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…


Vote blue.


Are those "Biden protections" in the room with us at the moment? Go eat shit and die.


They are in fact in the room with us right now.

4/26/24 - Biden/Harris administration incorporates latest rule to the ACA that includes protections on the basis of sexual orientation and improves pre-existing protections for gender identity, mandating nondiscrimination in health care and insurance coverage for LGBTQ+ Americans.

4/19/24 - Biden/Harris administration finalized a Title IX rule that clarifies the scope of nondiscrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity throughout educational activities and programs.

1/9/24 - Biden/Harris administration reverses Trump/Pence era “License to Discriminate” rules.

6/8/23 - Biden personally announces a series of initiatives that include efforts to protect queer and trans foster youth, improve access to mental health services for LGBTQ+ youth and address the rise in hate-fueled violence.

4/26/23 - Biden/Harris administration files lawsuit against the state of Tennessee, challenging the constitutionality of recently enacted legislation banning age-appropriate, medically necessary gender-affirming care for transgender youth.

2/7/23 - Biden uses his SotU address to encouraged Congress to pass the Equality Act “to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.”

12/13/22 - Biden signs the Respect for Marriage Act, one of the biggest legislative wins in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality in over a decade, guaranteeing federal rights, benefits and obligations of marriages in the federal code for same-sex couples. The legislation also repealed the Defense of Marriage Act and affirmed public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states.

8/4/22 - Biden/Harris administration declares Monkeypox a public emergency and wields federal power to ensure equal access in the distribution of vaccines and treatment.

3/21/22 - Biden/Harris administration takes steps on Transgender Day of Visibility to protect trans Americans that includes issuing passports with an “X” gender marker, streamlining identity verification during the travel experience and providing resources to transgender kids and their families.

And that’s just the last two years, without including any educational or research work done towards new policies or educating Americans about LGBTQ identities and politics, like displaying parts of the AIDS quilt in the White House or regularly acknowledging Pride, days of visibility, or other issues within the community.

You may be too young to remember this, but Biden was one of the first major federal-level politicians to support gay marriage, and he dragged Obama along kicking and screaming to the finish line. This administration is one of the strongest allies the LGBTQ community has had. Ever.


For the many many people who do not seem to understand how a government actually works, this doesn't mean Biden himself came up with these decisions, but they were approved and implemented by Congress because conservatives didn't have both the presidency and a majority. They desperately want the white house right now because it will allow them to make any policy changes they want uncontested.


I don't think enough people remember that the Very First Thing Trump's team did when he took office in 2017 was remove the LGBT rights page from the White House site. Like, it was mere hours into his presidency. The whole site went down to make their changes, and everything else was replaced fairly quickly, but not that one.

Or his lawyers arguing, while he was in office, that employers fully should be allowed to fire people for being gay.

I also don't think enough people remember various military leaders, and thus entire units, -literally ignoring orders- in order to protect trans service members.

He is the country's biggest drain on actual social progress, and it'll happen again if he's re-elected.


When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week


"one of my moms"

*points finger*

child of lesbiabs


I actually have six parents and three moms total but they're all straight as far as I'm aware


Polyamorous parents or divorce?


Turbo divorce


What the heck is a turbo divorce?


It's when you end up with six parents


I feel like we drifted from the original post a little so I'd like to reiterate that I am gonna tell my kids I'm a werewolf