October 6, 2023
Finally Making a Pinned Post

Pronouns: Any/all

My music: “My Remixes” (YouTube playlist)

Most recen
t upload: “Counting Crimes”

My AO3: Tseshan

Boundaries: If you run an EDblr blog, I will probably block you on sight.

Sideblogs: @suddenfossilfightersheadcanons (sporadically active) and @60inchyugiohheadcanons (currently only using to reblog content – my apologies!)

Hello there – I’m Dorian, and I’m delighted to see you here! I’m a university student in Australia, and I generally post a stream of weird and unexpected content. Most of the stuff here revolves around things I love – Pokémon, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, other 90s music (Soundgarden, Bjork, AIC), MBTI & the Enneagram – as well as stuff around autism, dyspraxia, and related conditions. I will never have muscles, nor any semblance of spatial sense. I make music in my spare time (and even when I don’t have time), and I’m delighted to see you here.

Some collated posts to start you off are below the cut!

Keep reading

2:33pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZD4LmYeYvdHnSW00
Filed under: pinned post 
June 7, 2024



What always gets me the most is like staff doesn’t seem to ever give a warning like. Hey this thing you’re doing or this content you’re posting is worthy of termination. Stop doing that and delete those posts or we’ll terminate your blog. They just decide when someone deserves to get erased from the internet and immediately do so

You’re right OP, there’s no warning, no temporary bans, nothing. You’re just logged out one day and can’t get back in. There’s not even a message that says “You have been banned for [XYZ].”

I had my blog terminated once and had to contact the support staff to find out what the hell I was terminated for.

Turns out I had posts with “misleading link redirects” or something. I asked staff during my support ticket to show me the offending posts. They were years old reblogs (not even my posts!) where the original post had succumbed to link rot and the expired domain was parked by some spammer.

I got very lucky that someone on the support staff happened to review my ticket, and this was years prior to major staff cuts. In most cases of termination there’s simply no response from support.

(via a-suspicious-lack-of-bagel)

June 7, 2024


As a medium/lower support needs autistic who works with young higher support needs autistic:

We all matter. We all have the same diagnosis. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

But we are not the same.

I can mask and might be seen as ‘odd’ or 'weird’ in public. The students I work with are seen as 'dangerous’ and 'practically little kids’.

I can go to university and work with accommodations. The students I work with likely will never live independently and a few might find jobs that support them but still pay them less than an abled worker.

I have full control of my finances. The students I work with aren’t allowed to make independent financial decisions, even if capable.

If I say 'no,’ I’m making a choice. The students I work with can’t say 'no’ without being labeled as defiant and difficult.

I can feed myself, bathe myself, and take care of myself with extreme challenges. The students I work with are unable to take care of themselves without high levels of support/one on one support.

I had an IEP in high school but was mainstreamed in classes. The students I work with take separate classes and some rarely get to interact with their abled peers.

Our experiences are fundamentally different. Higher support needs autistics will experience a specific type of ableism I never will, and can never fully understand.

Lower support needs autistics need to stop saying we understand what higher support needs autistics are going through and then present autism as only being disabling because of society/lack of acceptance because that is dangerous. We need to stop saying every autistic person is capable of everything if given the right support because that leaves out huge parts of our community who will never be able to do certain things, regardless of support.

We are worthy of existence regardless of our abilities.

Autism is a spectrum. It is not the same for every autistic person. Autism acceptance and advocacy has to come with accepting, acknowledging, and listening to our higher support needs peers.

(via most-definitively-a-human)

June 6, 2024



An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)

June 6, 2024


charlotte is one of the most popular and influential bloggers of the last several years on this site. she’s been consistently putting out nothing but good vibes, to the extent that i’d credit her with changing the site’s culture a bit. part of the broader trend away from constant negativity. there’s literally no excuse for deleting her account

(via brucebocchi)

June 6, 2024
Reverse Rapunzel

(TW: Discussion of suicide/suicidal ideation, intrusive thoughts, and anorexia.)

Keep reading

June 6, 2024




me, quietly whispering to the ao3 page of an author who doesn’t even know I exist: I am obsessed with you

me, whispering to the ao3 page of an author who hasn’t updated anything in four years: I think about you often and I hope you’re alright

Fun fact: telling us this makes us update. Fanfic is stored in the social recognition euphoria.

(via a-suspicious-lack-of-bagel)

June 6, 2024


at my wedding yes i will have a maid of honour but why stop there. ill give all my maids titles. we will have a maid of hope. a maid of horror. a maid of horticulture. a maid of harm. a maid of healing. and of course. a maid of hogs

(via so-you-read-the-usernames)