
Databases form the foundation of efficient application development, enabling organized data
storage, rapid retrieval, and seamless scalability for enhanced user experiences.

What are databases?

A database is key for application development. From empowering enterprise solutions to fueling analytical engines, databases underpin intricate data-driven endeavors, orchestrating seamless information organization and utilization.

  • Structured foundation: Databases organize data, which is vital for efficient application development.

  • Data reliability: Traditional databases ensure data integrity, minimizing errors for stable functionality.

  • Seamless scaling: Cloud-native databases enable effortless scalability, accommodating growing user demands.

  • Real-time Insights: In-memory databases process data swiftly, enhancing real-time user experiences.

  • Resilience and efficiency: Cloud-native databases offer high availability, reducing latency and operational costs.

Learn how to install database instances on Red Hat OpenShift using OpenShift Web Console in the Developer Sandbox.

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Database development for Java developers

Leveraging advanced technologies allows Java developers to create versatile applications across various databases, including MySQL, Postgres, and Oracle. Frameworks like Hibernate and Open JDK S2I (Source-to-Image) amplify the process of containerizing the application development environment, ensuring consistency from development to deployment across diverse databases. For those inclined towards high-performance microservices, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) provides native support for Quarkus. Running on RHEL, Quarkus addresses complexities in Java applications running on either traditional or cloud-native development databases.

Connect to the Oracle database from your OpenShift cluster

Connect to the Oracle database from your OpenShift cluster

Learn how to use Hibernate to connect externally hosted Oracle data from your application hosted on Red Hat OpenShift.

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Connect to a PostgreSQL server on OpenShift

Connect to a PostgreSQL server on OpenShift

Learn how to connect to a PostgreSQL server hosted on OpenShift for your application development. Deploy the app on OpenShift and connect to the PostgreSQL server.

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Database development for Microsoft .NET developers

Microsoft .NET empowers developers to build database applications at scale and with rich features. With extensive library support for streamlined coding, development cycles accelerate. .NET's data source compatibility simplifies access and manipulation, and security features maintain integrity. Its cross-platform flexibility enables deployment across various environments. By embracing .NET, developers gain efficient database interaction, faster cycles, and robust applications.

As .NET is now open source and widely used in traditional to microservices-based modern application development, Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides lift-and-shift support to smoothly migrate .NET-based database applications from Windows environments to Linux.

Connect to a PostgreSQL server on OpenShift

Microsoft .NET and Postgres

Build an application using Microsoft .NET and connect to a PostgreSQL server hosted on Red Hat OpenShift.

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Database articles and tutorials

Building resilient event-driven architectures with Apache Kafka
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How to manage and preserve Kafka Connect offsets smoothly

Abdellatif Bouchama

Get tips on managing and preserving Kafka Connect offsets smoothly starting...

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Application binary interface compatibility testing with libabigail

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What happens when you mix a decade-old ABI comparison tool and a public Git...

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What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4?

Nikhil Mungale

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.4 is now generally available (GA). Learn...

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Modernization: Managing data during the process

Yashwanth Maheshwaram +1

Data refactoring unlocks the potential for adaptable, resilient applications....