REST Resource: assetShares

Resource: AssetShare

An assetShare resource, which is only relevant to composition assets, identifies a relationship between two representations of an asset resource:

  • The viewId, or composition view, represents the composition asset that is embedded in a specific sound recording. The composition view is the canonical set of information that YouTube displays about the composition rights for a given recording and may synthesize information from multiple data providers. .
    • Each sound recording asset maps to exactly one viewId.
    • Each viewId maps to one or more shareIds. However, a viewId only maps to multiple shareIds when a composition has multiple owners. From a single content owner's perspective, a viewId is associated with a single shareId. This is because the content owner can only retrieve the shareIds that represent data the content owner itself provided.

      Note that it's possible for a single content owner using the API to represent multiple owners of a composition and, therefore, own multiple shares of that composition. For example, an aggregator of digital rights could obtain rights to the same composition from different parties in different territories. The aggregator would have discrete entities representing those rights, which would map to different composition shares in YouTube's model. The different composition shares could still be linked to the same composition view(s).

  • The shareId, or composition share, represents the information that a particular publisher provided for a composition asset. A shareId can be associated with many sound recordings.
Many API methods enable you to retrieve or update information about an asset. The Managing composition assets guide explains how those methods handle requests depending on whether the provided asset IDs are shareIds or viewIds.

JSON representation
  "kind": string,
  "viewId": string,
  "shareId": string


The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner#assetShare.



A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the asset view.



A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the asset share.



This method either retrieves a list of asset shares the partner owns and that map to a specified asset view ID or it retrieves a list of asset views associated with a specified asset share ID owned by the partner.