Publishing your community visualization

Publishing your visualization will allow all Looker Studio users to easily find your visualization in the Looker Studio gallery. Visualizations in the gallery will be considered for additional promotion and publicity, including inclusion in the Looker Studio newsletter.

Publishing criteria


You must manage and update your own deployment of the code.


Refer to the manifest reference for more information about manifest properties. Your visualization manifest is required to include the following properties:

  • Make sure the description is specific and grammatically correct. Provide all information and instructions necessary for a basic understanding of the visualization and how to use it. For example:
    • Are there constraints on the data being visualized?
    • Does the visualization expect that you use a particular data source?
  • supportUrl should be a page where users can get support for your visualization, preferably hosted on your own website. This cannot be an email or mailto link.
  • devMode should be false in order to enable caching and provide the best possible latency experience for users.
  • The logoUrl should link to a publicly accessible static PNG or JPG with an aspect ratio of 4:3. It should be accessible via an incognito brower window.
  • The components[].iconUrl should link to a static PNG or JPG with an aspect ratio of 4:3 and a minimum resolution of 800x600.
  • The packageUrl should link to the demo report described below.
  • Additionally, the manifest should contain valid values for:
    • name
    • organization
    • organizationUrl
    • packageUrl
    • privacyPolicyUrl
    • termsOfServiceUrl
    • components[].name
    • components[].id
    • components[].description
    • components[].iconUrl
  • The manifest name and the components[].name for each component should be directly representative of what the visualization is. This makes the purpose of the visualization clear, and helps users to find the right visualization for their need.


  • Create at least one demo report using your visualization. Ensure that the report sharing option is set to Anyone with the link can view.
  • All attached data sources must be set to use Owner's Credentials.
  • The report will be shared publicly, so we recommend that you use a sample dataset. Do not include sensitive data, or data you do not have permission to share.
  • The report should follow basic design principles and not be visually cluttered.
  • You should include the following information in your report
    • Community Visualization title
    • Author/company name
    • A description of the visualization
    • Sample usage of the visualization
    • The dimensions and metrics expected by the visualization
    • Style options available to the visualization
    • How filter interactions work (if applicable)
    • If needed, a sample data table
    • Any JavaScript libraries used (e.g. D3.js)
    • Any links or required attributions


  1. Your visualization cannot be unfinished or in beta.
  2. The report should be aesthetically polished and professional.
  3. Your visualization should handle resize actions properly, including an error message if necessary.
  4. Your visualization should work with multiple data sources.
  5. Your visualization should use styling from the theme object to provide a consistent user experience.
  6. Adhere to the Looker Studio Galleries Terms of Service(Submitter).

Once you have met all the requirements, click the following button to request a review for your visualization:

Publish your Community Visualization

Remove your published visualization

To remove your Community Visualization from the gallery, send a removal request to [email protected].