Security requirements

To ensure user safety and privacy, dynamic emails are subject to additional security requirements and restrictions.

Sender Authentication

To ensure the sender of an AMP email is legitimate, emails containing AMP are subject to the following checks:

In addition, it's recommended that email senders use a Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) policy with disposition set to either quarantine or reject. This may be enforced in the future.

DKIM, SPF and DMARC each appear as separate lines within the "Show Original" menu option in Gmail Web. See Check if your Gmail message is authenticated for more information.

DKIM Alignment

In order for DKIM authentication to be considered "aligned", the Organizational Domain of at least one DKIM-authenticated signing domain must be the same as the Organizational Domain of the email address in the From header. This is equivalent to the relaxed DKIM Identifier Alignment as defined in the DMARC specification, RFC7489 Section 3.1.1.

Organizational Domain is defined in RFC7489 Section 3.2 and is also referred to as the "eTLD+1" part of the domain. For example, the domain has as its Organizational Domain.

DKIM-authenticated signing domain refers to the value of the d= tag of the DKIM signature.

For example, if a validated DKIM signature successfully verifies with, then [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] would all be considered aligned if present in the From header while [email protected] would not, as doesn't match

TLS Encryption

To ensure the contents of an AMP email are encrypted in transit, you must TLS Encrypt emails containing AMP.

An icon in Gmail indicates whether an email was sent with TLS Encryption. See Check if a message you received is encrypted for more information.

HTTP proxy

All XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) that originate from an AMP email are proxied. This is done to protect the user's privacy.

CORS Headers

All server endpoints used by amp-list and amp-form must implement CORS in AMP for Email and correctly set the AMP-Email-Allow-Sender HTTP header.


The following describes additional URL restrictions.


XHR URLs mustn't use HTTP redirection. Requests that return a status code from the redirection class (3XX range) such as 302 Found or 308 Permanent Redirect fail, resulting in a browser console warning message.