Contact details

Decrypt endeavors to promptly correct any factual errors brought to our attention. When corrections occur, they appear prominently in the story so a reader can see that the article has been updated. To contact us about corrections, or other editorial questions, concerns or comments, email us at: [email protected]

For partnerships enquiries, please fill out this form.

For product feedback, suggestions or bugs on any of our platforms, use this link. Alternatively you can contact: [email protected]

About us

Decrypt Media is an independent media brand delivering essential journalism, education, and analysis on the evolution of technology.

You can learn more about our mission on our Manifesto page.

We are a newsroom of professional journalists operating in a decentralized culture with the desire to bring transparency and accountability to the tech space.

We provide a platform for "good actors" who are pioneering best business practices and seek positive social impact.

Though we are funded in part by the Brooklyn, NY-based incubator ConsenSys, we are both editorially independent and technologically agnostic - we exist to make complex technology intelligible to all.

Decrypt Brand Kit

If you'd like to include the Decrypt logo on your website, please use an asset from our brand kit.