Posts tagged weed

It's so sad to see so many people misinformed about cannabis. I know you're coming from a good place. You are a sweet girl and are none of the mean things these rude people are calling you. Obviously they've been reading some anti-pot propaganda. It's up to the cannabis community to educate people like that so we can open minds and actually start getting some legislation passed. People need to realize this plant is harmless and the list of benefits is tremendous! Even for animals!


Stop it. That is ABSOLUTELY enough.

Pot in moderation may be fine  for humans, but it is not ANTI-POT PROPAGANDA to inform you of risks to animals like the cat you were blowing smoke against in the problem picture that started all of this! You cannot continue to defend this kind of thing!

PLEASE. As someone who has raised many, MANY animals, just please read: RIGHT HERE.

Poisonous to: Cats, Dogs

Level of toxicity: Moderate to severe

Common signs to watch for:

  • Severe depression
  • Walking drunk
  • Lethargy
  • Coma
  • Low heart rate
  • Low blood pressure
  • Respiratory depression
  • Dilated pupils
  • Coma
  • Hyperactivity
  • Vocalization
  • Seizures

Cannabis sativa is a member of the Cannabaceae family. Slang terms include pot, weed and Mary Jane, just to name a few. Marijuana, or THC, affects receptors in the brain which alter normal neurotransmitter function. Dogs and cats can be poisoned by marijuana from second hand smoke exposure, or from direct ingestion of marijuana or baked foods (e.g., pot brownies, pot butter, etc.) laced with THC. In dogs and cats poisoned by marijuana, clinical signs can be seen within 3 hours, and include severe depression, walking as if drunk, lethargy, coma, low heart rate, low blood pressure, respiratory depression, dilated pupils, hyperactivity, vocalization and seizures. Vomiting is often seen with dogs despite the “anti-emetic” (anti-vomiting) qualities of THC.

If your dog or cat ate marijuana, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately for life-saving treatment advice.

Poison type: Illicit Drugs

Alternate names: THC, Cannabis, pot, hashish, pot brownies, weed, grass, Mary Jane, reefers, hemp, devil week, pot butter

Again, it is not “infringing” or “bullying” to tell you to PLEASE not do this around your pet! A cat or a dog may run up to you while you’re lighting up but that doesn’t mean they actually enjoy it at all! Animals often show signs of enjoying things that are actually VERY BAD for them! Please do not do this with your cats in the room!

You are free to smoke weed or whatever as much as you want but if you love your pet you will NOT DO THIS


It IS animal cruelty to take selfies if yourself blowing large amounts of smoke onto your pet! It IS, ABSOLUTELY, negligence and immaturity to claim you’re doing nothing wrong and that it’s anti-pot propaganda from people telling you not to do this around your pet! MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, IT IS GIVING RESPONSIBLE POT USERS A VERY BAD NAME TO CALL “IGNORANCE” ON EVERYONE WHO TELLS YOU WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO YOUR PET IS WRONG.

Please do not do this in the same room with your cat! This isn’t BULLYING, this is a desperate PLEA!