anyway if u wanna know what’s going on on tiktok rn, it’s “gnomes vs knights” where everyone uses the same sound (that’s how tiktok memes/trends work) and they’re either pretending to be knights setting tiny traps for unsuspecting gnomes or tiny gnomes avoiding or falling into said traps. ppl are making videos in full suits of armor for the knights but i’m entranced by the gnomes encountering traps

update: the wizards are getting involved


isnt this beautifulimage

lately ive been imagining things in a sentence mixed gwonam voice. most recently this image


the thing is, if your younger self was a bigot or an abuser, u can't make people forgive you. but you still gotta forgive yourself, like that's non-negotiable, dude. that happens before u can even ask the question of earning forgiveness from anyone lese

oops, in your attempt to martyr yourself out of respect for your victims you accidentally sabotaged your own ability to conceptualize yourself as anything but a perpetual evildoer who is always one bad day away from hurting everyone you love, all but guaranteeing history to repeat itself. rookie mistake


did you read the post


LMAO. yeah haven't you heard? psychiatry and psychiatric diagnoses serve to protect disabled people from eugenics! you can google 'psychiatry and eugenics' to find out more

i think a lot of white queer/trans people need to hear that "breaking gender norms" isnt just wearing a dress while masc or dying your hair. its also unlearning the beauty standards that impose ideals of white beauty and attractiveness on non-white folks. yes you have a nose ring but i just heard you tell your black friend with meticulously cared for natural hair "you'd just look so nice with straight hair is all im saying..." why does your blog fetishizing i mean uh. appreciating trans women only feature skinny white women who pass. when societal gender norms are so inextricably tied to whiteness and emulating whiteness it is not enough to simply change your aesthetic. you need to defy the gender norms in your own head too.


fun fact! the original draft of this was about native features, but i changed my examples bc historically my native-centered posts get basically no notes compared to my other social-justice/activism posts :) which definitely doesn't frustrate me at all as a queer native american. anyways reminder that gender roles are informed by culture and what you (white person reading this) consider "gender non-conforming" might in fact be a gender-conforming feature in their culture!

The only way in which the so called us has a separation of church and state is if you don't think christianity is a religion

And thats the point, they want you to believe that christianity is apolitical, they want it to be so normalized that questioning it seems ridiculous but you can't let them win, reject the normalization of the christian death cult


Artfight attack for my sister!


Sometimes you just want a lazy mirror selfie


1 like and I post the matching tattoo

i get you wanna fuck miss piggy but youre not better than kermit the frog. youre not kermit the frog. youre not even fucking close to being kermit the frog. fuck you


Iā€™m sobbing



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