let me tell you about my boat

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

an outlier that should not be counted

9-1-1 (TV) :: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Tommy Kinard :: 7.5k :: E

Buck knows a lot of random trivia. Tommy falls in love with him one fact at a time.

“I mean, I don’t really need to work up to it.” Evan looks squirrelly again. “When we first started dating I kind of considered, you know, what you might like, and I wanted to be prepared and—“

Realization dawns on Tommy. “Did you buy yourself a sex toy, Evan?“ 

“Several,” Evan admits. “I was kind of overwhelmed, and the girl at the store convinced me to get like, this whole training set, and you’re not small, and I just wanted to be ready. So, I’ve been, uh, practicing.” 

He’s ridiculous. Of course he went in person, found an employee, asked questions. He was probably as nervous as he is now, and the mental image is too fucking much. Tommy rolls his eyes and tugs him in for a kiss to shut him up so he can’t embarrass himself more than he already has, and Evan goes with it, melting into his touch. 

“You really want it, huh?” He says against Evan’s mouth. 

The way Evan moans, fat-lipped and sloppy-tongued is an easier kind of eager. “I wannit, yeah.”

Pinned Post bucktommy tevan kinkley 911 abc delaney writes

corwining asked:

Im not sure if you know this but a tweet of yours came up on a Minecraft while reading posts TikTok

it’s the lighthouse one, isn’t it

I don’t know what the implications of this message are but I just know I’m my heart it’s the lighthouse ghostfucking tweet grandpa voice it came up on a minecraft reading posts tiktok u say??? miss u twitter miss sending out 30 thoughts into the void for validation every day dadvans replies

top ten cute buck moments: when he finally gets to go back to his apartment after the blackout is over and he falls on his bed and sees his girlfriend on the TV and goes "hi honey im home" 🥺


#consider….. parallel where buck has just gotten off a similarly crazy shift and he falls into bed at tommy’s#and we hear a helicopter flying by through the window… buck smiles and closes his eyes (via @beefcakekinard)

yeah :') bucktommy evan buckley 911 abc

Has anybody yet mined the potential comedy gold of Buck’s Boyfriend Tommy and Tommy’s Boyfriend Evan?


so here for tommy’s Duh Doy moment the week after he introduces evan to several co-workers over post-shift drinks and they get all cagey and weird, which is unusual because they’ve met tommy’s boyfriends before, he’s been out for a while, and finally it’s martinez who is like, Look! buck seems like a nice guy, but after everything you’ve told us about your boyfriend named evan, and we saw you kissing buck outside, we just hope you know what you’re doing, man.

tommy would be charmed enough that his co-workers are offended on behalf of his boyfriend named evan, who they think tommy is cheating on with some charming homewrecker named buck, to look past the fact that they think tommy’s that much of an asshole.

tommy: i AM an asshole but not like that c'mon guys bucktommy 911 abc

Eddie should have a hoe era, really. Practice not approaching every relationship as if it needs to be serious and on a marriage + stepmom track. As long as he’s upfront about being deeply fucked up and here for a good time not a long time, there’s nothing wrong with letting him slut it up for a while. Let Buck in his happy & committed monogamous relationship era give him tips from his fuckboi days. Help him curate the tinder profile and give him boxing-coach style hoe pep talks like “you can do this. Get up. Leave! Before she wakes up. Actually, before she even falls asleep would be better. Come on man, hit it and quit it, exactly what you agreed on, she doesn’t want you in her house either! You can do it! 💪”


i want tommy and buck being hoe era eddie’s wingmen so badly. tommy has probably had a weird, closeted hoe era he followed up with an occasionally remarkable, frequently exhausting grindr hoe era, and learned a lot about respecting himself when slutting his way through several los angeles boroughs, and buck, well. he’d probably be like, “i’ve been out of the game for a while” casual stretch “but yeah I can probably give you a few pointers” then proceeds to lay out the weirdest, most complicated hook up rules that eddie’s never heard of that he categorizes by dating app, location and day of the week. they go out to bars together, the three of them, where buck explains with zero self awareness that all the girls will feel sorry for him as a third wheel, especially when he starts getting with handsy with tommy on his third drink, and tommy will look at eddie judgmentally like, oh you’re wearing that? which eddie thinks is pretty rich coming from a guy who is wearing the third color of the same shirt he’s been wearing every time eddie’s seen him this week (because evan likes it), and they’ll snipe at each other over wings and pitchers at some sports bar fight night and send eddie up to get them another round of beers at the bar whenever there’s someone remotely cute, buck feeding him the worst pick-up lines he can think of and tommy feeding him some seemingly smoother lines he definitely stole from something he caught on a hallmark network marathon, then the both of them giving eddie double thumbs up and cheesing hard when he actually goes for it

eddie bucktommy friendship s8 save me save me eddie bucktommy friendship s8 911 abc bucktommy eddie diaz

Maybe one day I'll write a detailed post on this, but for now, all I can say is that the theory that Tommy is just dating Buck to get to the 118 is icky.


i can’t imagine the people coming up with these theories have ever worked somewhere awful, if they’ve worked at all. look, i’ve worked for some truly miserable people, and made friends in those miserable places anyway, because we were all fucking going through it. if tomorrow my friend who now manages the old office i used to work at regaled me with stories about every day being an ice cream party where the office sings kumbaya together when i remember it as the place where a partner spat at me and called me a retard to my face and a senior staff member got a slap on the wrist for making sexual and racist comments about my friend’s wife and every day i cried under my desk, yeah, i’d probably be sad about it in a complicated way too. but if my friend who is the office manager now told me that since it was better, would i be interested in coming back? i would say no way in hell. one time i accidentally door dashed some dumplings to that office instead of my current building and i ran over and had concierge go up to the floor where they had left the dumplings by the office door because i couldn’t imagine even for a second standing in that awful hallway ever again or looking through those doors. you can be sad about missing something but never want it back.

you can move on with your life and make a new and better life and then when the remaining good bits of your old life come knocking, you can appreciate them and the cute new guy who maybe you are so happy you never worked with directly under the same roof because the HR violations would have been constant and recurring and probably felt like a punishment for wanting something too much that you didn’t think you were allowed to have, and you’re a better person now that can treat him right in a way you never could back then, all because you left.

tommy kinard bucktommy 911 abc tommy is happy he is flying helicopters y'all why the fuck would he want to return to the 118 he gets to be friends with these people and boyfriends with this cute guy without the obligation of being nice bc theyre coworkers he literally has the best of both worlds

never not thinking about how in Buck Begins we just get a shot of baby buck red-eyed and snot nosed, spitting, crying on a motorcycle. why is he crying on a motorcycle? no one knows. it's implied the answer is vaguely PARENTS. he crashes the motorcycle. he is doing maybe 40 in a 25, pittsburgh suburbia. he is so angry. this is 15 seconds of television that is never really explained and yet i could watch it on repeat until the heat death of the universe.


this is the vibe 911 abc edit to this post i was drinking when i wrote this and cannot believe i said pittsburgh instead of hershey none of you cowards called me out pens fan wine brain go brrrr

never not thinking about how in Buck Begins we just get a shot of baby buck red-eyed and snot nosed, spitting, crying on a motorcycle. why is he crying on a motorcycle? no one knows. it’s implied the answer is vaguely PARENTS. he crashes the motorcycle. he is doing maybe 40 in a 25, pittsburgh suburbia. he is so angry. this is 15 seconds of television that is never really explained and yet i could watch it on repeat until the heat death of the universe.

evan buckley 911 abc emmy award for most nothingburger scene i have 1000 feelings about he is arguably just mad about driving through a school zone

dadvans asked:

GOD YEAH @ your Pac Rim AU snippet. Love Buck knowing how Eddie dreams and where, the intimacy of the drift, Tommy being a badass in the most heartbreaking way possible. I've been itching under my skin thinking about Pac Rim AUs as well (it IS only a matter of time). Buck laid up in the infirmary after the last fight lays him out long term, Bobby won't risk him dying, and he's watching the report of Eddie going back out in their jaeger with Tommy. Tommy afterwards, like, you know you can be drift compatible with more than one person, right? But Buck's only ever worked with Eddie, who pulled him out of the drift rabbit hole where he saw all the ways Buck's ever hurt himself for attention when he couldn't get the affection he needed, and Eddie didn't judge him, gave Buck the gift of seeing who he was in the army, before there were monsters, and Buck is so distressed because Tommy and Eddie don't have to be broken for each other to co-pilot the way he is with Eddie. Meanwhile, Tommy keeps catching all these intimate moments that slip through the drift from Eddie about Buck and is falling in love with this pilot he's barely met, shows up to the infirmary to check in on him long after everyone else has stopped. This is the hell I've been in.

dharmaavocado answered:

I love Pacific Rim so much. This was a movie about people piloting giant robots to punch godzilla in the face and and gullmero del toro went wait these robots are powered by love and the mortifying and transcendent joy of being known. It’s about the intimacy!

All of this is so so good, but of course Tommy falls in love with Buck through the drift. How could he not? Buck irrevocably changed Eddie, and Tommy is just so taken by this kid who grew up with on these crumbs of affection just having so much love. Of course he keeps going back to see Buck of course.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m also here in this hell with you and I need a million Pacific Rim aus immediately.

bangs fists on table a million pacific rim AUs forever and ever until time stops it’s about the vulnérabilité 🤌 the intimacié 🤌 the being knöwn 🤌 911 abc bucktommy