Tomas Kucera

Tomas Kucera Tomas Kucera je vlivná osobnost

Brno, Jihomoravský, Česko
13 tis. sledujících uživatelů Více než 500 spojení

Pár slov o mně

I’m an experienced engineering and operations leader passionate about setting up offices,…

Pracovní zkušenosti

  • Explicitní: Tricentis


    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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    Brno, South Moravia, Czechia

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  • Explicitní: Nottingham Trent University

    Nottingham Trent University

    Studied at partner university: Brno International Business School
    Program: MBA - Senior Executive
    Graduated with Distinction

  • Master degree in technical cybernetics, economics and computer science

  • Selected courses: Theory of Law, EU Law, International Trade Law, Labour Law, Law Informatics, etc.


  • Quiet Success: The Introvert’s Guide To A Successful Career

    Would you believe that half of the population of the planet are introverts? Not really? Well, it is the quiet half, and they’re not so visible! Introversion is a powerful force in our lives. It impacts how we pick our friends, what jobs we get, and how we interact with others.

    Are you an introvert? Are you unhappy at work? Do you believe your job doesn’t lead anywhere? Would you like to find more satisfaction and success at work? Then this book is for you.

    Introversion is often…

    Would you believe that half of the population of the planet are introverts? Not really? Well, it is the quiet half, and they’re not so visible! Introversion is a powerful force in our lives. It impacts how we pick our friends, what jobs we get, and how we interact with others.

    Are you an introvert? Are you unhappy at work? Do you believe your job doesn’t lead anywhere? Would you like to find more satisfaction and success at work? Then this book is for you.

    Introversion is often seen as a handicap that holds us back, but it can also give us the power to live our lives on our terms. There have been many successful introverts throughout history, and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be one of them. Introverts make great employees and leaders. We are all good at something and deserve a chance for a good life and a successful career.

    In this guide, you will learn about your strengths, analyze what is important in your life, and define what a successful career means to you.

    You will then be presented with several frameworks to help you see your career more holistically and wrap your mind around strategies, tools, and principles to use to become successful.

    With numerous practical exercises, you will learn how to take ownership of your career, get to your Sweet Spot, and enjoy the feeling that your work and life have meaning.

    You will reach your Quiet Success.

    Zobrazit publikaci


  • Adventure of safe experiment - coach training (CNP Consulting)


  • Claim Management (Primas Consulting)


  • Conflict Solving (Psychoint)


  • Conflicts and Communication (Primas Consulting)


  • Customer Relationship Management (Primas Consulting)


  • Effective Communication (Psychoint)


  • Leader as Coach (Siemens)


  • Leadership in Projects (Primas Consulting)


  • Meeting Moderation (Psychoint)


  • Moderation for Workshops and Meetings (Siemens)


  • NLP Practitioner – ICF certified NLP training (Erickson College)


  • Preparation for Project Leaders (Siemens)


  • Presentation Skills (Psychoint)


  • The Art and Science of Coaching – ICF certified coach training (Erickson College)



  • Toastmasters International

    VP Education, CC, ALB

    – do současnosti

    SolarWinds Toastmasters (Brno/Czech Republic; July 2014 - present) Fort Bonifacio Toastmasters (Manila/Philippines; July 2013 - June 2014)

  • International Coach Federation (ICF)


    – do současnosti
  • Project Management Institute (PMI)

    Member (PMP)

    – do současnosti

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