Cyan Bug Remix — Sleepover - Stories of the Shaw Pack

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Sleepover - Stories of the Shaw Pack

Characters: David/Angel, Asher/Babe, Milo/Sweetheart, Darlin’(Tank)/Sam

CW: None; Fluff

Written in July 2023

Summary: The end of an evening get-together with the 4 pack members (David, Milo, Asher, and Darlin) and their mates. The house feels quiet, safe and like home.

Can be found ✨here on Ao3✨, written by moi (cyan_bug37 on Ao3)


The quiet atmosphere was something David hadn’t had in awhile. Not that nights weren’t quiet and peaceful. Many of them technically were. But this time he had the people he loved, safe in his home, relaxing with their loved ones and a random movie playing in the background. He looked outside at the sky. A faint tinge of blue still colored the lower half. It wasn’t quite midnight yet, but it was getting there. Earlier, Sam and Tank had gone outside for a walk, or alone time, truthfully. They hadn’t walked very far. He could hear them laughing on the porch.

David looked over to his right at the sleeping couple. Asher lightly snored, and his mate slept on his chest. The couple looked very comfy, though they would probably be stiff in the morning.

Sweetheart and Angel were quietly muttering at the kitchen table. They were at one point painting each other’s nails, but that activity eventually turned into them talking. Angel looked over their shoulder as they felt eyes on them. David was staring at them.

“One sec,” Angel said to Sweetheart. They walked over and leaned on the back of the couch.

“Yeah, sweetie? Is something wrong?” Angel quietly asked and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“No. Just watching everyone… Asher and Babe fell asleep.”

Angel turned their attention to the duo and smiled. “I’ll go get them a blanket.” They went over to the hall closet and carried out one. They slowly draped it over the two. Babe shifted slightly, but seemed to go back to sleep.

“They are so cute,” Angel muttered once they returned to David. Angel knew Babe had been working overtime to get a project done, a project that could hopefully earn a promotion, and was exhausted. Babe had bags under their eyes for days, and Asher had mentioned how they had a hard time falling asleep. He’d be asleep for about thirty minutes, then he’d wake up and notice Babe working on stuff or just sitting out in the living room.

Angel also had known that Asher was struggling, well in general. Asher started picking up more work, according to the alpha, and Babe said that he had Inversion nightmares almost every night. David had mentioned how Asher began to take naps at the office, which was strange coming from Asher who was usually quite energetic. David had been getting concerned that his beta was burning himself out, and was planning on having a talk with Asher soon. But for tonight, the couple were finally getting some rest.

Milo seemed to have nodded off at some point during the third movie they were watching. Sweetheart walked over to the couches and took their phone out. The glow from the TV gave enough light so they could take a picture of their sleeping mate. Sweetheart chuckled to themselves, “New lockscreen.”

“Do you wanna go take him to the guest room?” David asked. He would have offered their other guest room to Asher and Babe, but they had already fallen asleep, and he didn’t want to wake either of them.

“Probably a good idea. He already says I knock off a few years of his life when I jump scare him. I can’t have him complaining about being an old man just yet,” Sweetheart replied. They gently shook Milo’s shoulder. Milo blinked, though it looked like he could fall asleep again at any moment.

“Mmh? Sweetheart?”

“C’mon. We’re going to bed,” Sweetheart grabbed his hands and carefully dragged him up. Milo managed to say goodnight, and they went down the hallway, disappearing into the guest room.

David sighed and stretched.

“You can go to bed if you want,” Angel rubbed David’s lower back.

He closed his eyes for a moment at the gentle caress. He was tired, but not that tired. “And know that you will probably stay up until 4 in the morning completing some random project? I don’t think that’s the best idea, Angel,” David replied and wrapped an arm around them.

“Well, I gotta do the dishes,” Angel murmured.

“Then I will do them with you,” David leaned over to kiss the top of Angel’s head. Angel hummed in agreement. The two decided that Angel would wash the dishes and David would dry them. They quietly talked between each other about each other’s days, what they wanted to plant in the garden this year, and why a hippopotamus would win against a bear.

“I’m glad we could all get together like this,” Angel said at one point.

David gave a subtle smile, “Me too. I’m glad that everyone seems to feel comfortable here.”

The sliding door opened to reveal Sam and Tank coming back in. They looked around and noticed the new positions everyone was in.

Tank wandered over to the kitchen with Sam trailing behind. “Hey. I noticed the two sleeping beauties on the couch. Where’d the other two go?”

“I sent them to the guest room. Milo fell asleep,” David briefed.

“How was it outside?” Angel asked either one of them, still focused on a pan from breakfast.

“It’s very nice. Not too chilly but not too warm. You got lots of crickets here, David,” Tank said. They leaned back against the counter.

“I know. I can hear them almost every night,” David agreed. He wiped around the edges of a bowl and sat it down. They hadn’t accumulated a lot of dishes because of Asher’s idea to order pizza for dinner, and for that, David was thankful.

Angel handed him the last dish and turned around to wipe their hands on a towel.

“Would you and Sam like to stay the night? We have another room available and I have an excess of pillows and blankets for guests,” Angel offered, tucking the towel back onto the stove’s handle. Originally Sam and Tank hadn’t planned on staying, but the offer was still there.

“What do you think, Darlin’?” Sam looked over. Tank looked at their partner and Angel could see the debate going on in their head.

“If you want to, then it would be fine,” Tank finally said.

Sam gave a small smile, “Then we accept and appreciate the hospitality.”

Angel smiled back and went to grab a couple blankets and a stack of pillows. Once the two were settled, and the TV turned off, Angel and David left to head upstairs to their room. Before Angel shut the door they heard Tank say, “You talk like such an old man sometimes.”

“It was called being polite, Darlin’,” Sam replied as the two walked down the hall. They definitely would be staying up for longer, but at least they were comfortable.

Angel grinned to themselves and closed the door. David had already changed into a pair of sweats and flopped himself on the bed. The window was opened a bit, so the room wasn’t too stuffy. Angel went into their ensuite bathroom to get ready for bed. After they finished, Angel slipped under their sheets and settled down. Their body sank as they relaxed into the mattress. David shifted and laid one arm over Angel, and shifted closer. They breathed in the scent of David’s shampoo and the night air, and drifted to sleep.


And my usual disclaimer: As always, I have no ownership or rights to these characters, stories, or franchises. I write this to appreciate the content Redacted ASMR/audio makes. Anything I write is not official in their stories, other than using moments from the original story line. I make no profit from this.

Please don’t steal.


Got brave enough to start posting some of my favorite short stories that I’ve written over on Ao3 onto here, and this is one of the first ones. I hope you like it :)

cyanbug fanfics redacted asmr redacted audio redacted asmr fanfics redacted shaw pack redacted sam redacted darlin redacted david redacted angel redacted milo redacted sweetheart redacted asher redacted babe

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