Cyan Bug Remix — Angry at Being Angry - Stories of the Shaw Pack

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Angry at Being Angry - Stories of the Shaw Pack

Characters: Teen David & Gabe

CW: Nothing horrible, but if you don’t like kids being upset with their parents, then maybe this is not for you. But it gets resolved in the end, Little bit angsty and fluffy

Written in April 2024

Summary: After an exhausting day, all David wants to do is not have to talk with anyone or focus on anything else besides his homework and sleeping. Unfortunately, his dad decided to ask about his day and David angrily snaps at his dad.

Can be found ✨here on Ao3✨, written by moi (cyan_bug37 on Ao3)


David was exhausted. He still had two long sections of his math homework to finish, since Asher had needed help with the previous day’s homework, and spent the rest of class helping with that. His general magic course wanted him to write a page of why empathy and serenity daemons might use their powers. And he had just finished a very busy dinner rush at his temporary job.

All he wanted to do was not talk and eat dinner. David huffed out of the car, and grabbed his backpack from the back seat.

As soon as he opened the door the faint sound of 90s country music and the smell of some type of stew filled the house. There was monotone humming coming from the kitchen.

David hung his keys up, and dropped his backpack on the floor, with the plan to take it to his room later.

Gabe walked out from the kitchen, “How was your day?”

“Fine.” David inwardly groaned.

“Just fine? Anything exciting happen at school or at work?” Gabe continued. David could feel his breathing become shorter.


What’s with all the questions? David felt heat beneath his shoulders.

“So, you’re not going to tell me anything? Is there something going on I should know about?” Gabe had added a tone that David didn’t like.

“NO!” David snapped.

Gabe’s eyes widened, shocked at the response. He crossed his arms, silently waiting for an answer to the outburst.

David’s jaw tightened and he glared back at his father.

“JUST- I’m leaving-!” David furiously opened the front door and slammed it shut. The house shook in the silence.

Gabe noted the car keys left on the key hook, which meant that he wasn’t driving anywhere. Maybe Gabe would find him sitting on the front porch or hanging around the yard.

He deeply sighed and walked to the front door. He swung it open and found a set of clothes left at the bottom step.

David had decided to shift.

- - -

David didn’t know where he was going. His head pounded and his lungs couldn’t burn enough to match the anger that was enveloping him.

He was angry at the fucking annoying day he had. He was angry at his dad prodding about today. And he was angry that he was angry!

He started to run faster, a familiar route unknowingly leading him.

The trees soon thinned and he found the clearing that he used to play in when he was younger with his dad.

Those days were some of his best memories. Always being excited during the summer to play with his dad’s wolf form and play hide-and-seek. It was also the clearing that David had first learned to shift in.

He was always grateful and ecstatic when his dad had made time for him. With being a pack leader and having his own career, sometimes it seemed that there might never be time for just the two of them. But he always made time. He loved spending time with David.

Fuck, I’m such a dick.

Something of a whine broke out, and David’s wolf curled up underneath one of the trees. The wave of guilt collapsed on him.

All he had wanted to do was ask how his son was doing, and I snapped at him. What kind of future-beta does that? What kind of kid does that? My dad loves me, and I couldn’t even respond to a few stupid questions!

- - -

Gabe had been searching everywhere. He had tried to find David’s core, yet amazingly, David was long gone by the time he had shifted. Of course, with his son wanting to become beta, David had been training for the past year to be faster and stronger. Gabe was proud of his discipline and drive.

But without being able to sense his son’s core, he had to track him. Gabe sniffed the air, trying to pick up David’s scent.

The sun was practically set by the time Gabe had thought about calling Frank and sending a search party. He ran further into the woods. Maybe if I keep going I’ll pick up on something. He caught a scent from a nearby pine tree and ran to the familiar clearing, spotting a black lump on the forest floor.

Gabe trodded over, and recognized it. Relief flooded through him.

Hey, bud.

David snuffed and turned his head away.

Gabe’s wolf moved closer. I’m gonna sit next to you, okay?

David didn’t respond. Gabe could feel the shame radiate from David’s core, and if he was in his human form he would have let out a large sigh.

I’m not mad, Gabe began.

David’s ears tipped back.

Nor am I disappointed. Gabe waited to see if that got any response. His son’s ears twitched, but nothing else.

Do you wanna tell me why you’re angry?

Another beat of silence before a whine came from the black wolf. David flipped himself around and laid his head behind his dad’s.

I’m sorry. David cried. Gabe twisted his body to curl around his son. I didn’t mean to yell.

Gabe nuzzled closer. It’s okay, bud. Everything’s okay.

I’m really tired- and I have a lot of homework and-and your questions were too much, David heartbrokenly sputtered.

He thought about continuing the conversation here, but if David was as tired as he seemed, it would be better to go back to the house. Let’s go have dinner, okay? We can talk about this more later.

David huffed before he stood up, still sticking close to his dad. Gabe rose and started the lead back to the house. The two stayed silent, listening to the last of the birds settling for the night and the crack of sticks between the two large wolves’ paws.

David’s core calmed down into a steady hum by the time they got back. The two quickly changed into their clothes before heading back inside. Gabe went to turn the radio off.

“Want to get bowls?” Gabe asked, breaking through the silence. His son nodded. The two worked quickly and sat down at the small round table.

“David,” Gabe said, blowing the food on his spoon. “Is there a reason you aren’t eating your stew?”

David’s face held one of his frowns. He watched his son avert his eyes to the left, then right. If Gabe tried hard enough, he bet he could see the gears turning in David’s head.

David sat silent.

“If you don’t want to talk, then at least eat your food before it goes cold,” Gabe gently added.

David harshly sighed, “I’m sorry for yelling. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s alright,” Gabe took a bite of potato. “You already apologized.”

“No. That’s not-” David picked up his own spoon, and covered his face. “I shouldn’t have snapped like that. I’m planning on being beta one day. I can’t be snapping at people when I’m overwhelmed. I shouldn’t be snapping at you who is my dad and alpha.”

Gabe lightly snickered before clearing his throat. “Bud. Even Frank can get pretty snappy when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and hasn’t had his coffee”

David blankly stared at his dad.

“You’re not a failure, or disappointment for any of it. Hell, I can get pretty overwhelmed sometimes… And sometimes you slip up. What matters is that you apologize and focus on calming down before it can get to the yelling point again.”

“Yeah… Thanks.”

David took a bite of his stew.

Gabe sighed before standing up and coming around the table. He needed his son to know that he loved him, and that he didn’t think less of David.

David swallowed and frowned with confusion. His dad enveloped him in a hug, hand holding the base of his neck. David paused at the touch, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around Gabe.

“You’re still someone who is growing up. You’ve still got so much to learn and experience. Don’t think that you have to be perfect at 17. Okay?” Gabe rubbed a hand up and down David’s back.

“Yeah. Okay.” David nodded, taking what his dad said to heart.


As always, I have no ownership or rights to these characters, stories, or franchises. I write this to appreciate the content Redacted ASMR/audio makes. Anything I write is not official in their stories, other than using moments from the original story line. I make no profit from this.

Please don’t steal.

redacted asmr redacted audio redacted asmr fanfic redacted david redacted gabe shaw

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