hi !! hello hi. my names are tilly / tobi / cow and i’m a girlboybovine blogging on the internet. i like cows and cringe and cvideogames

this is my house!! and i post whatever i want here forever. expect fandom soup and text posts that get deleted after 2 notes and the occasional selfie.

this blog is 18+ not because it’s strictly nsfw but because i’m an adult and this is my adult space to do adult things like um. yearn.

my pronouns are it / its or she / he interchangeably. please don’t use just he or just she, and never ever use they / them on me

the block button is free and also my best friend. i curate my internet spaces and use it liberally, it’s probably not personal unless it was

i make animal art on @girlboyburger but you can find my non-animal homestuck art here on this blog

you will look at my fursonas now (you can draw ‘em if you’d like, but pls DM me instead of just tagging me or my art blog bc i will Naut see it)


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  4. cowdragons posted this
    hi !! hello hi. my names are tilly / tobi / cow and i'm a girlboybovine blogging on the internet. i like cows and cringe...