Tell the world about Tor

We love it when people bring information about Tor to their community events, conferences, and meetups. We've curated some beautiful materials for sharing in-person and on social media we welcome you to use.


Street team kit

This kit includes printable flyers, stickers, and other materials to get people excited about using Tor.

Talk about Tor

Here you'll find materials on basic Tor explainers and concepts, ideas for preparing a Tor talk, suggested social media posts, and more.

User stories

There are many reasons why people rely on Tor's privacy protections. Learn more about the real-life experiences of our diverse user base and help us spread the word.

Organize a Tor meetup

Learn how to organize a Tor meetup with your friends.

Tor Speakers Bureau

We have a dedicated group of Tor core contributors who are ready to speak at your next event. You can request a speaker by contacting [email protected] with your preferred topic, language requirement, date, and other details.

Request a Speaker

Upcoming Tor Events