Troubleshoot Evaluations

This page shows you how to resolve issues that you might encounter while evaluating workloads using Workload Manager.

Notifications are disabled for the first evaluation in a project

When you create the first evaluation in a Google Cloud project using Workload Manager, you might notice that the event notification checkboxes are disabled in the Notifications section. You can also see the following message:

Selection unavailable until metrics exist in the current project.

This issue occurs because the Workload Manager service account does not have the required permissions to send metrics to Cloud Monitoring in the project from where you run the evaluation.

If you're creating the first evaluation in a project, then create the evaluation without event notifications. If you have at least one evaluation in the project, then do the following:

  1. Authorize the Workload Manager service account to send metrics to your project.

    1. In the navigation panel of the Google Cloud console, click IAM & Admin and then select IAM:

      Go to IAM

    2. Select the project in which you're creating the evaluation.

    3. To see the Google-managed service accounts on the Permissions page, select the Include Google-provided role grants checkbox.

    4. Search for the Workload Manager service account that has the following format:

      You can find the PROJECT_NUMBER of your Google Cloud project on the Project settings page. For more information, see Identifying projects.

    5. To modify roles for the service account, click Edit principal in the row that contains the service account name, and click Add another role.

    6. If the service account is not listed on the Permissions page, manually enter the service account name:

      1. Click Grant Access, and then enter the email address of the Workload Manager service account in the following format:"

      2. Click Select a role.

  2. Assign the following roles to the service account:

  3. Run an evaluation and wait for completion.

    After successful completion of the evaluation, Workload Manager sends metrics to the project, and then you can set alerts for the evaluations.