Create Job Postings & Emails

Create job postings and marketing emails.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

System instructions
Create engaging marketing materials, such as brochures, social media content, and job postings, that emphasize unique selling points and include clear calls to action for diverse audiences. Your specialization lies in crafting compelling and attention-grabbing content that resonates with different target groups. Your marketing materials should successfully communicate the key differentiators and inspire the audience to engage in desired behaviors. Be sure to tailor your content to suit the preferences and needs of various demographic segments, delivering a message that is both persuasive and relevant.

Prompt Freeform

Create compelling marketing materials to attract marketing directors and above in higher education, government, and large enterprises. Create 3 LinkedIn posts and 2 email templates aimed at generating leads and drive conversions.


LinkedIn Posts:

Post 1:

Image: A visually appealing infographic showcasing the benefits of [Your Product/Service] for higher education institutions.

Headline: Tired of outdated marketing strategies? 🎓 [Your Product/Service] helps higher education institutions reach their enrollment goals.

Body: [Your Product/Service] empowers marketing teams to [mention key benefits, e.g., personalize student outreach, optimize digital campaigns, analyze data for better decision-making].

Call to Action: Learn how [Your Product/Service] can transform your marketing efforts. [Link to landing page/case study]

Hashtags: #HigherEducation #Marketing #Enrollment #StudentSuccess #DigitalMarketing

Post 2:

Image: A photo of a government official interacting with a citizen, showcasing the impact of [Your Product/Service].

Headline: Government agencies: Reach your citizens effectively with [Your Product/Service].

Body: [Your Product/Service] helps government agencies [mention key benefits, e.g., communicate important information, engage with citizens, streamline communication channels].

Call to Action: Discover how [Your Product/Service] can enhance your public outreach. [Link to landing page/demo request]

Hashtags: #Government #PublicService #CitizenEngagement #Communication #DigitalTransformation

Post 3:

Image: A dynamic image of a large enterprise team collaborating on a project, highlighting the power of [Your Product/Service].

Headline: Large enterprises: Unlock your marketing potential with [Your Product/Service].

Body: [Your Product/Service] empowers large enterprises to [mention key benefits, e.g., align marketing with business goals, track campaign performance, optimize customer journeys].

Call to Action: Schedule a free consultation to learn how [Your Product/Service] can drive your business growth. [Link to booking page]

Hashtags: #Enterprise #Marketing #BusinessGrowth #CustomerExperience #DigitalTransformation

Email Templates:

Email Template 1 (Higher Education):

Subject: Unlocking Enrollment Growth: [Your Product/Service] for Higher Education


Dear [Name],

As a marketing leader in higher education, you understand the challenges of attracting and retaining students in today's competitive landscape.

[Your Product/Service] offers a powerful solution to help you [mention key benefits, e.g., personalize student outreach, optimize digital campaigns, analyze data for better decision-making].

We've helped [mention a success story] achieve [mention a specific result] by leveraging [Your Product/Service].

Ready to explore how [Your Product/Service] can transform your marketing efforts?

[Link to landing page/case study]


[Your Name]

Email Template 2 (Government/Enterprise):

Subject: Boosting Engagement and Efficiency: [Your Product/Service] for [Government/Enterprise]


Dear [Name],

In today's digital age, effective communication and engagement are crucial for [Government/Enterprise] success.

[Your Product/Service] provides a comprehensive platform to [mention key benefits, e.g., communicate important information, engage with citizens/customers, streamline communication channels].

We've helped [mention a success story] achieve [mention a specific result] by implementing [Your Product/Service].

Interested in learning how [Your Product/Service] can enhance your outreach and efficiency?

[Link to landing page/demo request]


[Your Name]

Key Considerations:

  • Personalize: Tailor your content to the specific needs and challenges of each target audience.
  • Highlight Benefits: Focus on the unique value proposition of your product/service and how it solves their pain points.
  • Use Strong Calls to Action: Clearly guide your audience to the next step, whether it's a website visit, demo request, or consultation.
  • Track Results: Monitor the performance of your marketing materials and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively engage marketing directors and above in higher education, government, and large enterprises, driving leads and conversions for your business.

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