Model and Endpoint components

The Model and Endpoint components expose the functionalities of the Vertex AI Model and Endpoint resources. You can import existing Model resources that you've trained outside of Vertex AI, or that you've trained using Vertex AI and exported. After you import your Model, this resource is available in Vertex AI. You can deploy this Model to an Endpoint and then send prediction requests to this resource.

Learn more about how to Import models to Vertex AI and Request predictions.

Model operators

The Google Cloud Pipeline Components SDK includes the following operators related to the Model resource:

Endpoint operators

The Google Cloud Pipeline Components SDK includes the following operators related to the Endpoint resource:

API reference

Version history and release notes

To learn more about the version history and changes to the Google Cloud Pipeline Components SDK, see the Google Cloud Pipeline Components SDK Release Notes.

Technical support contacts

If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected].