Tokenizing sensitive cardholder data for PCI DSS

Last reviewed 2023-05-05 UTC

This tutorial shows how to set up an access-controlled credit and debit card tokenization service on Cloud Functions. To set up the service, the article uses these Google Cloud services: Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Cloud Key Management Service (KMS).

Tokenization is the process of substituting a benign placeholder value, or token, for sensitive information such as credit card data. Part 3 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires that most of the data stored on a credit card be treated as sensitive information.

A token by itself is meaningless except as a means of looking up tokenized data in a particular context. However, you still need to ensure that your tokens don't contain any user-specific information and that they aren't directly decryptable. This way, if you lose control over your customers' payment card tokens, no one can use the tokens to compromise the cardholder data.

A service for handling sensitive information

You have many choices for the platform or service to host your cardholder data environment (CDE). This tutorial guides you through a sample deployment using Cloud Functions and helps you on the next steps toward a production-ready solution.

Cloud Functions is a serverless platform that hosts and executes code, and it's a convenient place to quickly launch an application that scales without intervention. Keep in mind that in a PCI DSS compliant CDE, you must limit all inbound and outbound traffic to authorized connections. Such fine-grained controls are not currently available for Cloud Functions. Therefore, you must implement compensating controls elsewhere (such as in your application) or choose a different platform. The same Tokenization service can be run in a containerized manner such as an autoscaling managed instance group or a Kubernetes cluster. These would be preferable production environments with their complete VPC network controls.

Cloud KMS is Google Cloud's key-management service. Cloud KMS hosts your encryption keys, rotates them regularly, and encrypts or decrypts stored account data.

IAM is used in this tutorial to provide tight controls on all of the resources used in the tokenization service. You need a special service account that has frequently expiring tokens to grant access to Cloud KMS and to execute the tokenizer.

The following figure illustrates the tokenization app architecture that you create in this tutorial.

tokenization app architecture


  • Create a service account.
  • Set up Cloud KMS.
  • Create two Cloud Functions.
  • Create an authentication token.
  • Call the tokenizer.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

Before you begin

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the project selector page.

    Go to project selector

  2. Click Create project.

  3. Name your project. Make a note of your generated project ID.

  4. Edit the other fields as needed.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  7. Enable the Cloud Build, Cloud Functions, and Cloud KMS APIs.

    Enable the APIs

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Create the service account

The default runtime service account for Cloud Functions has the Editor role, which allows broad access to many Google Cloud services. Although this is the fastest way to develop functions, Google recommends using the default service account only for testing and development. You create a service account to limit the APIs that the function can use in accordance with the principle of least privilege. To create a service account, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service Accounts page.

    Go to Service Accounts

  2. Select your project.

  3. Click Create Service Account.

  4. In the Service account name field, enter Tokenization Service User. The Google Cloud console fills in the Service account ID field based on this name.

  5. Optional: In the Service account description field, enter a description for the service account.

  6. Click Create and continue.

  7. Click Select a role, and then select Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter.

  8. To finish creating the service account, click Done.

    You now have a service account user with the following email address:

Set up Cloud KMS

  1. In the Google Cloud console, open Key Management.

    Go to the Cryptographic Keys page

  2. Click **+ Create key ring **. In the dialog that appears, do the following:

    1. Name the key ring tokenization-service-kr.
    2. For Key ring location, select global. This is a common choice that suffices for this tutorial. Before you make any production architecture decisions, however, make sure you understand the differences between the various Cloud KMS locations.
    3. Double-check your choices, because you can't delete or rename key rings after they are created.
    4. Click Create.

      Creating a key ring

    The system creates the key ring and forwards you to the key creation page.

  3. In the Create key dialog, do the following:

    1. Name the key cc-tokenization.
    2. For Purpose, select Symmetric encrypt/decrypt.
    3. Set Rotation period to a value you choose, and click Create.

    Tracking information about your keys

Create Cloud Functions

This tutorial assumes you'll be using Cloud Shell. If you use a different terminal, be sure you have the latest version of the Google Cloud CLI.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, open Cloud Shell:

    Go to Cloud Shell

  2. Clone the GitHub project repository and move to the working folder:

    git clone gcp-community
    cd gcp-community/tutorials/pci-tokenizer/

    The gcs-cf-tokenizer folder contains the file index.js, which is the source for two different Cloud Functions that you will create. It also contains package.json, which tells Cloud Functions which packages to run.

  3. Apply the KMS configuration Copy the config template file and open it for editing:

    cp config/default.json config/local.json
    nano config/local.json

    The Node.js runtime requires you to explicitly define the Google Cloud project ID:

    "project_id":              "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
  4. Find the KMS configuration and apply the KMS values you created in the previous section:

    "location":                "global",
    "key_ring":                "tokenization-service-kr",
    "key_name":                "cc-tokenization"
  5. Deploy the tokenize function.

    gcloud functions deploy tokenize --runtime=nodejs18 --trigger-http \
        --entry-point=kms_crypto_tokenize --memory=256MB \ \
        --no-allow-unauthenticated --source=.

    This function turns the credit card information into a token.

  6. Look for the value of the URL under httpsTrigger in the output of the gcloud functions deploy command. Store the value of the URL in the TOK_URL environment variable:


    You will use the TOK_URL environment variable to call the tokenize function.

  7. Deploy the detokenize function in KMS mode.

    gcloud functions deploy detokenize --runtime=nodejs18 --trigger-http \
        --entry-point=kms_crypto_detokenize --memory=256MB \ \
        --no-allow-unauthenticated --source=.

    This function reverses the tokenization process.

  8. Look for the value of the URL under httpsTrigger in the output of the gcloud functions deploy command. Store the value of the URL in the DETOK_URL environment variable:


    You will use the DETOK_URL environment variable to call the detokenize function.

    You have created two separate Cloud Functions: one for turning the card number into a token, and another to reverse the process. The differing entry points direct execution to the proper starting function in the index.js file.

  9. When the functions are deployed, open the Cloud Functions console.

    Open the Cloud Functions console

  10. Verify that the functions were created. If all went well, you will see your two functions with a check mark next to each one.

    Verifying that your Cloud Functions were created

Create an authentication token

The no-allow-unauthenticated option in the gcloud functions deploy command means that a caller that invokes the functions must present an authentication token to assert the identity of the caller. The caller must have the cloudfunctions.functions.invoke permission. The following pre-defined roles have this permission: Cloud Functions Invoker, Cloud Functions Admin, and Cloud Functions Developer.

  • Create the authentication token:

    AUTH_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-identity-token)
    echo $AUTH_TOKEN

These commands generate an authentication token string, store it in the environment variable $AUTH_TOKEN, and then display the token. Later you call the Cloud Functions that you deployed with the token.

Call the tokenizer

  1. Create some sample data to pass to the tokenizer:

    export TOK_CC=4000300020001000
    export TOK_MM=11
    export TOK_YYYY=2028
    export TOK_UID=543210
  2. Generate an authentication token as described in the previous section, and then call the tokenizer:

    CC_TOKEN=$(curl -s \
    -X POST "$TOK_URL" \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{"cc": "'$TOK_CC'", "mm": "'$TOK_MM'", "yyyy": "'$TOK_YYYY'", "user_id": "'$TOK_UID'"}' \
    echo $CC_TOKEN

    The tokenization string representing the credit card data is displayed. This string has been stored in the environment variable CC_TOK. You can retrieve the card information by invoking the detokenizer.

  3. Reverse the tokenization with the following command.

    DETOK_DATA=$(curl -s \
    -X POST "$DETOK_URL" \
    -H  "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
    --data '{"user_id": "'$TOK_UID'", "token": "'$CC_TOKEN'"}' \
    echo -e "$DETOK_DATA\n"

    The output looks something like the following:


    This data is what was originally sent into the tokenizer, decrypted, and retrieved by your app.

Expand on this tutorial

The sample code on GitHub is an excellent start, but there is more to consider before moving to production.

If you choose to use Cloud Functions for payment card tokenization, you might need to do more work to satisfy your Qualified Security Assessor or Self-Assessment Questionnaire. Specifically, PCI DSS sections 1.2 and 1.3 require tight controls on inbound and outbound traffic. Cloud Functions and App Engine don't offer a two-way configurable firewall, so you must either create compensating controls or deploy the tokenization service on Compute Engine or Google Kubernetes Engine. If you would like to explore containerization, the GitHub code is Docker compatible and contains supporting documentation.

This sample code also pulls in the npm (Node.js package manager) dependencies on deployment. In your production environment, always pin dependencies to specific vetted versions. Then bundle these versions with the app itself or serve them from a private and trusted location. Either approach helps you avoid downtime resulting from an outage at the public npm repository or from a supply-chain attack that infects packages that you assumed were safe. If you pre-build and bundle the complete app, your deployment time typically decreases, which means faster launches and smoother scaling.

Clean up

To clean up the individual resources you used in this tutorial, you can delete the project.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

What's next