
BackupRepositoryManager is the Schema for the backuprepositorymanagers API

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManagerList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupRepositoryManager
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackupRepositoryManagerSpec
status BackupRepositoryManagerStatus


BackupRepositoryManagerList contains a list of BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupRepositoryManagerList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items BackupRepositoryManager array


BackupRepositoryManagerSpec defines the desired state of BackupRepositoryManager

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
backupRepositorySpec BackupRepositorySpec BackupRepositorySpec contains all the details needed to create a backup repository inside a user cluster. Note that the ImportPolicy field of the BackupRepositorySpec will not be honored here. The created BackupRepository will be "ReadWrite" if the cluster it is being created in is the ReadWriteCluster. It will be "ReadOnly" if the cluster it is being created in exists in the ReadOnlyClusters list. This field is immutable.
readWriteCluster NamespacedName ReadWriteCluster specifies the single cluster ( which has permission to create a ReadWrite backup repository using the data in the BackupRepositorySpec field. A ReadWrite repository can be used to schedule/create Backups, BackupPlans, and Restores, and is effectively owned by the cluster it is created in. NOTE: A BackupRepository can only be used as ReadWrite by at most one k8s cluster. This field is mutable.
readOnlyClusters NamespacedName array ReadOnlyClusters specifies the list of clusters ( which have permission to create a ReadOnly backup repository using the data in the BackupRepositorySpec field. A ReadOnly repository can only be used to import and view backups. No new backups/resources can be created in this repository, but restores can use and reference read-only backups for restoration. Intended to import backups from another cluster for a cross-cluster restore. There is no restriction on how often a BackupRepository can be used as ReadOnly. This field is mutable.


BackupRepositoryManagerStatus defines the observed state of BackupRepositoryManager

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
backupCount integer BackupCount is the total number of backups that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
backupPlanCount integer BackupPlanCount is the total number of backup plans that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
restoreCount integer RestoreCount is the total number of restores that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
restorePlanCount integer RestorePlanCount is the total number of restore plans that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
clusterStatuses ClusterStatus array ClusterStatuses contains the current status in regard to creating the desired backup repository in each cluster. The list will contain an entry for all clusters specified in the ReadOnlyClusters list as well as the ReadWriteCluster. The backup repository being successfully created in a cluster is indicated by its entry in the ClusterStatuses array having the "Ready" condition as "True", otherwise it will be "False".
conditions Condition Conditions indicates whether or not the Backup Repository Manager and its created backup repositories are in a healthy state.


ClusterStatus contains backup repository creation status for a given cluster.

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManagerStatus

Field Description
cluster NamespacedName
conditions Condition array