Enable Dialogflow runtime integration

Dialogflow runtime integration lets you integrate data from other Dialogflow-powered Contact Center AI services into Contact Center AI Insights. These services also include Agent Assist and virtual agents. After you enable the integration, you can view conversations created in Agent Assist and virtual agent in CCAI Insights. To learn more about this feature, see the Concepts documentation.


  1. Follow the instructions on the before you begin page to enable CCAI Insights for your Google Cloud project.

Enabling runtime integration.

  1. Authorize the integration by turning on the CCAI Insights export feature.

    1. Go to the Agent Assist console.

    2. Click the Settings option at the top right.

    3. Verify that Send data to Insights is enabled.

    4. Go to the Dialogflow CX console.

    5. Click Agent settings at the top right.

    6. Under the General tab, go to the Logging settings header and ensure that Enable Conversation History is checked.

  2. (Optional) Enable CCAI Insights audio export settings for voice conversations. This step is necessary to make your audio files available for listening within CCAI Insights. Your audio files are stored in a Cloud Storage bucket and nowhere else. So if you don't enable audio_export_settings, CCAI Insights will only have access to the transcript and cannot play back the conversation audio.

    1. Go to Security Settings.

    2. Follow the instructions under Specify a security setting in agent.

    3. After step 5, Click Manage security settings.

    4. Click V2 Security Settings.

    5. Click the Audio export tab at the top.

    6. Enter your Cloud Storage bucket's name.

    7. Click Save

Create a conversation in Agent Assist and view it in CCAI Insights

  1. Create a conversation profile using the Agent Assist console by following the tutorial instructions. Don't enable the virtual agent option.
  2. (Optional) Test the performance of your conversation profile using the Agent Assist simulator.
  3. Follow the instructions to create a Smart Reply conversation. Handling conversations at runtime requires direct API calls. These actions cannot be carried out using the Agent Assist console. Make sure that you complete the conversation before moving on. Only completed conversations are visible in CCAI Insights.
  4. Navigate to the CCAI Insights console.
  5. Enter the project ID that you used to create the Agent Assist conversation and view this conversation in CCAI Insights. The CCAI Insights conversation name matches the conversation name in Agent Assist.

Create a conversation in virtual agents and view it in CCAI Insights

  1. Create a virtual agent and optionally import sample data to your agent.
  2. The remaining steps are the same as creating a conversation in Agent Assist, with the exception that you must enable the virtual agent option when you create a conversation profile in order for the profile to use your newly created agent.

Create a conversation in Dialogflow CX console and view it in CCAI Insights

  1. Create a virtual agent.
  2. Test the agent to create a conversation.
  3. Navigate to the CCAI Insights console. After a few moments, you should see your conversation with the test agent on your conversation history.


For help with issues related to Dialogflow runtime integration, see the Troubleshooting page.