Video overlay online

Boost your video’s wow factor with unique and customizable video overlays.

An image of a user editing a video using the video overlay effect.

Customize your video

Pink list icon

Choose from endless overlay styles

Layer up and level up your videos. Place unique video overlays like animated graphics, transitions, stock videos, images, and even webcam recording overlays.

Blue tool icon

Customize overlays to suit any video

Tailor overlays to your video perfectly by fully customizing their size, rotation, duration, and placement.

Purple template icon

Build the mood and tone of your video

Get studio effects without the price tag. Create your ideal video aesthetic with professional special effects like mirror and glitch. Even add fun GIPHY Stickers and GIFs, or custom animated text overlays.

Get started with stock overlays

Turn stock video into overlays by applying blending mode.

Fun for creators

  • Make gameplay and YouTube reaction videos more entertaining with webcam and motion graphics. 

  • Bring your music to life with the audio visualizer overlay

  • Transform TikTok videos into vintage films with a VHS or retro grain overlay.

Perfect for educators

  • Produce easy-to-follow tutorials and slideshow videos with overlays between topics. 

  • Create engaging demos by overlaying webcam videos.

  • Construct fun quizzes with overlays between each question and answer.

Ideal for businesses

  • Share consistently branded marketing videos with logo overlay.

  • Create quality sales Facebook and Instagram Reels with stock overlay effects.

  • Design successful onboarding videos with text animations and caption overlays.

Need more help adding overlays?

Learn how to edit a picture-in-picture overlay in a few easy steps. This video editing technique also helps you add video-on-video overlays and picture-on-video overlays.

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Frequently asked questions

Create videos with overlays today