
πŸ’šπŸ’šHello, I’m Lenn! 30, she/her, AsexualπŸ’šπŸ’š

Other usernames related to me are: PaladinPalindrome, AllonyMyTardis, Lennjamin-o7

I write a little bit of fanfiction. The most well known right now is To Be Truly Free. However, I have a seperate blog for it over at Lennjamin-o7. So if you are looking for info on To Be Truly Free, that’s where you should look. I won’t talk about it here very much.

Besides To Be Truly Free, I usually blog and write about Danny Phantom. Most of my other fics are Danny Phantom focused, and that will be the majority of what you find on this blog.

This is my main blog, though, so I also just post whatever I want. Mostly things I find funny.

Feel free to message me and talk. I love talking.

Other Socials besides Tumblr








If you know anyone who was there, please share this post with them. I’m collecting firsthand accounts for my big 10 year anniversary video.

If you’re interested in telling me about your experience please email [email protected] or send me an ask here if that’s easier (preferably not on anon so that I can DM you)

@therealraewest do you want to share your experience? I remember you went.

The best bit of writing advice I ever got was from the book 1984.

In it, the main character is being tortured horribly. Days and days and days of being forced to face his worst fears. Every day is a living AGONY. He craves for it to end, in any way possible.

And then they give him comfort. A soft bed. Good food. A break from the torture. Relief. Days of SAFETY.

Only to send him back to the pain and agony. And the main character talks about how the torture is SO MUCH WORSE for having the moments of comfort.

And I use that for when I am writing angst or hurt/comfort or whump or anything with highly emotional stakes. If you are writing emotionally horrible things, if the only trajectory is down down and more down, it just doesn’t have the same punch. The audience gets used to the pain. You gotta throw in a tiny bit of levity so that gravity hits hard.

And I have heard this advice from multiple other sources now, but I just think it’s fun that the way I personally learned it was from reading a character’s musings on torture.


Okay listen I’m a diehard anti-zionist but I need y'all to know that “Zionist Occupied Government” is a massive Neonazi dog whistle. Especially if it’s abbreviated as “Z.O.G.”

When they say it they mean something similar to the term “Globalist” in the Alex Jones sense.




If a pharaoh from ancient Egypt saw this, he’d lose his fucking mind


Do you ever talk to your mutuals?


not really i just post things and hope they fall in love with me


wait i’m experiencing white people culture shock on tiktok again

what do you scrub in the shower with



bare fucking hands

something else ????

please rb i can’t believe this is real




Do you ever see an internet opinion so baffling and wrong that it still haunts you weeks later?

Maybe some one can answer this, but

Instead of running 17,000 increasingly intrusive ads and actively ruining user experience, why do websites not just charge more for their ad space?

Like, I see that" no Social Media platform is profitable" and I think “Why aren’t these websites charging companies more for their ads?” I understand that Smeegruff’s Neocities website probably can’t charge a ton but Facebook? Twitter? Youtube? They shouldn’t be in the red because companies should be falling over themselves, desperate to advertise there.

Like, where else can you advertise except the internet. Billboards? Tv commercials? Those are NO WHERE NEAR as useful as social media.

Like, why do these websites actively make their products worse with tons of ads instead of just charging advertiser more? It doesn’t make sense.



Who is the hottest vintage sci fi/fantasy man? (Round 4)

Brendan Fraser (left)

Mandy Patinkin (right)

Brendan Fraser (The Mummy 1999)- No text propaganda submitted

Mandy Patinkin (The Princess Bride, Alien Nation)- who gives a FUCK about wesley i! want! to !! bang!!! inigo montoya!!!!!

No additional propaganda



now whenever you say you dont like a band the first thing people will is ask ‘omg did they do something bad?’ no theyre just kinda ass

ppl joke about normalizing being a hater but i genuinly think some people need to be reminded that sometimes ppl just dont like something and there doesnt need to be a profound reason or cause sometimes stuff just sucks and i make fun of it





if youre fat and queer i hope youre having a really good day



How did they miss the BEST spider name?


Guess I’m uploading this here then since youtube is being silly about copyright.

Except now the quality is low ;-; hrm

Edit: It’s on youtube now!