take the bitter with the sweet
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    "In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes."
    --Excerpt from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 5: Diagon Alley.

    Art request for Draco's Birthday: Little Draco trying his new robe

  • fic post: 9 to 5


    written for @microficmay 2024!

    Pairing(s): DRARRY, Draco/OMC
    Rating: E (light E, though. more like a hard M)
    Wordcount: 2.5K

    Read on AO3 here!

    Tags: Time Loop, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Unspeakable Harry Potter, Ministry Office Drone Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Power Imbalance, Psychological Horror, References to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, There’s some nice stuff too but you know I am medically required to put this little blond twink Into Situations

    Summary: Draco Malfoy hates Mondays.

    hello! i'm here! june 19th, which is the very first day after may 31st! look at how completely on time i am with getting this up.

    thank you so much to everyone who supported this journey in may. going into posting, i wasn't 100% certain i could pull off a time loop story in 50 word increments, but i figured if it crashed and burned you'd all forgive me eventually, or at the very least would forget. now that we've done it joe dot gif, i am still in shock at how completely lovely you all were about this story as it was posting. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. an extra thank you to @sitp-recs, @thehoneybeet, @garagepaperback and @popcornwrath, who had me living for the tag reactions on their reblogs. please know i read and laughed (sometimes evilly) at every one.

    truly though all of you made my may very special, so thank you, again and again.

    this version is the extended edition "director's cut." nothing has changed in the plot, however if you were hoping for a couple bites more, you've got it.

    finally, but absolutely NOT least, thank you to @lumosatnight @crazybutgood @sugareey-makes-stuff for modding this incredible fest. it has been an honor to participate in it for the last 3 years, and i hope you've all been having very well-deserved, restful junes.

  • Love Will Abide [LCDrarry 2024 Fic Claim]


    Love Will Abide by yours truly

    Word Count: 41,025

    Rating: E

    Archive Warning: Major Character Death

    “Bristol is that way.” Potter points, then returns his hand to steady the pistol. “You can make it by nightfall.” A grimace flickers across Potter’s face. “Tomorrow, anyway.”

    “I’m rather hungry,” Draco admits. The faint, gnawing sensation is the least of it, really. His chest hurts and there’s emotion balled up in his throat. Draco’s entire being is teetering on the edge of a phenomenal collapse. Potter glances in that wary arc again, and his eyes return to Draco’s.

    Harry Potter owes Draco nothing. He’s well aware of that. But being in Potter’s presence is tearing his resolve to shreds. Potter looks clean. He looks beautiful and decently fed and in control of himself, and Draco wants nothing more, nothing, nothing, than to throw himself on Potter’s mercy before his crumbling mind does it for him.

    “I haven’t eaten in two days,” he continues. A smile he can’t control splits his dry bottom lip, and a huffed giggle sneaks past his lips. “Doesn’t sound very long when I say it out loud, does it? It feels long.”

    “I’m letting you go.” Potter keeps the pistol aimed at Draco’s chest. “So go.”

    “All right. Look, Potter—” Oh, no. Is Draco going to cry? If he starts, how will he stop? “First, it’s me, Draco Malfoy. You know me. And even if you don’t feel—”

    “I know it’s you,” Potter interrupts. “Here’s the thing, Malfoy. If I feed you, then every rough sleeper you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free meal. And this is not the Leaky Cauldron.”

    “Well, the Leaky Cauldron didn’t have free meals. It was a pub.”

    I need you to know I pulled my car over on the side of the road two minutes before claims opened so I wouldn't miss this. Unrelatedly, I did a lot of sobbing, but trust me. I know. But trust me.

  • 2024.06.06

  • Complete fics posted on AO3 this day

    1. Happy Returns by @toomuchplor [T, 6k]

    In which Harry does grow a pair, and Draco turns forty-four.

    2. ready, able by @garagepaperback [E, 9k]

    Malfoy has a problem, Harry wants to help.


    1. Black Sheep by Anonymous [E, 10k]

    […] “Shall we say that if you win, you can have whatever your heart desires?” Malfoy replies with a smile. “Anything.”
    Lights Camera Drarry 2024 | @lcdrarry

    2. Home Is Him by Anonymous [T, 2k]

    Harry doesn’t regret letting Draco escape, even though he’s alone. The chances they can steal together and the life growing within him are more than he ever thought he would get.
    HD Mpreg 2024 | @harrydracompreg

  • &. zinnia theme by seyche