
Deploy your models with CircleCI and Amazon SageMaker. Learn more

Confidence in every commit

Our purpose-built CI/CD platform delivers speed and reliability —
in the cloud or on your private infrastructure.

Accelerate your team’s delivery

Get enterprise-level speed and security. See why the world's best engineering teams choose CircleCI as their automation engine.

Automate builds across multiple environments

The compute options your team needs to build how and where you want.

Execution environments

Build on any machine type in any language.

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Resource classes

Easily configure CPU and memory for optimal performance and increased speed.

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Define and orchestrate jobs to build, test, and deploy with complete control.

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Improve developer productivity

CircleCI was built by DevOps professionals to help you fine-tune your entire development process from start to finish.


Track status and monitor duration to make better decisions.

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SSH debugging

Be confident that you can fix things faster.

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Advanced caching

Cache dependencies, artifacts, and Docker layers to speed up builds.

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VS Code extension

Interact with your pipelines from VS Code.

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Connect best-in-class tools

Build using GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Choose from thousands of existing integrations or create your own.

Pre-built integrations

Use orbs to add pre-packaged config for third-party services like Slack and AWS, or connect your source code repository with CircleCI.

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CircleCI webhooks enable developers to create customizable integrations with workflow-level and job-level events.

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Our full-featured RESTful API allows you to access all information and trigger actions in CircleCI.

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Secure your pipeline

We ensure that your projects are built, deployed, and maintained securely.

OpenID Connect

CircleCI supports authentication via OpenID Connect at the job level.

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Industry-leading protection

We are the only CI/CD tool to meet the rigorous standards of FedRAMP, in addition to being SOC 2 Type II compliant.

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Clean execution environments

Your jobs automatically run in a clean container or virtual machine, giving you control of the environment.

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Config policies

Create policies that enforce organizational compliance and standardization across projects.

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Hosting Options

Choose the hosting options that meet your needs

We can host continuous integration for you in the cloud, with the option to use self-hosted runners, or CircleCI can be installed on your private server.


Get a seamless experience with our cloud solution

  • Setup, security, and maintenance support

  • Choose which jobs run in CircleCI Cloud or on your own infrastructure with self-hosted runner

  • Automatic upgrades that alleviate the need for maintenance

  • Get started quickly using GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket


Manage everything on your own infrastructure with server

  • Self-led maintenance control for increased security

  • Full system administrator control for complete customization

  • An update cadence that fits your maintenance schedule

Leading engineering teams trust CircleCI to solve their toughest challenges.