path: root/www/chromium/files/patch-media_audio_sndio_sndio__output.cc
blob: e875d0c0d87bdb999ea66684466c16c2af777bc8 (plain) (tree)















--- media/audio/sndio/sndio_output.cc.orig	2023-02-08 09:03:45 UTC
+++ media/audio/sndio/sndio_output.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h"
+#include "media/base/audio_timestamp_helper.h"
+#include "media/audio/sndio/sndio_output.h"
+namespace media {
+static const SampleFormat kSampleFormat = kSampleFormatS16;
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::OnMoveCallback(void *arg, int delta) {
+  SndioAudioOutputStream* self = static_cast<SndioAudioOutputStream*>(arg);
+  self->hw_delay -= delta;
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::OnVolCallback(void *arg, unsigned int vol) {
+  SndioAudioOutputStream* self = static_cast<SndioAudioOutputStream*>(arg);
+  self->vol = vol;
+void *SndioAudioOutputStream::ThreadEntry(void *arg) {
+  SndioAudioOutputStream* self = static_cast<SndioAudioOutputStream*>(arg);
+  self->ThreadLoop();
+  return NULL;
+SndioAudioOutputStream::SndioAudioOutputStream(const AudioParameters& params,
+                                               AudioManagerBase* manager)
+    : manager(manager),
+      params(params),
+      audio_bus(AudioBus::Create(params)),
+      state(kClosed),
+SndioAudioOutputStream::~SndioAudioOutputStream() {
+  if (state != kClosed)
+    Close();
+bool SndioAudioOutputStream::Open() {
+  if (params.format() != AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR &&
+      params.format() != AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported audio format.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  state = kStopped;
+  volpending = 0;
+  vol = SIO_MAXVOL;
+  buffer = new char[audio_bus->frames() * params.GetBytesPerFrame(kSampleFormat)];
+  return true;
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::Close() {
+  if (state == kClosed)
+    goto release;
+  if (state == kRunning)
+    Stop();
+  state = kClosed;
+  delete [] buffer;
+  manager->ReleaseOutputStream(this);  // Calls the destructor
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::Start(AudioSourceCallback* callback) {
+  struct sio_par par;
+  int sig;
+  sio_initpar(&par);
+  par.rate = params.sample_rate();
+  par.pchan = params.channels();
+  par.bits = SampleFormatToBitsPerChannel(kSampleFormat);
+  par.bps = par.bits / 8;
+  par.sig = sig = par.bits != 8 ? 1 : 0;
+  par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE;
+  par.appbufsz = params.frames_per_buffer();
+  hdl = sio_open(SIO_DEVANY, SIO_PLAY, 0);
+  if (hdl == NULL) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't open audio device.";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!sio_setpar(hdl, &par) || !sio_getpar(hdl, &par)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't set audio parameters.";
+    sio_close(hdl);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (par.rate  != (unsigned int)params.sample_rate() ||
+      par.pchan != (unsigned int)params.channels() ||
+      par.bits  != (unsigned int)SampleFormatToBitsPerChannel(kSampleFormat) ||
+      par.sig   != (unsigned int)sig ||
+      (par.bps > 1 && par.le != SIO_LE_NATIVE) ||
+      (par.bits != par.bps * 8)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported audio parameters.";
+    sio_close(hdl);
+    return;
+  }
+  sio_onmove(hdl, &OnMoveCallback, this);
+  sio_onvol(hdl, &OnVolCallback, this);
+  state = kRunning;
+  hw_delay = 0;
+  source = callback;
+  sio_start(hdl);
+  if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &ThreadEntry, this) != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create real-time thread.";
+    sio_stop(hdl);
+    sio_close(hdl);
+    state = kStopped;
+  }
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::Stop() {
+  if (state == kStopped)
+    return;
+  state = kStopWait;
+  pthread_join(thread, NULL);
+  sio_stop(hdl);
+  sio_close(hdl);
+  state = kStopped;
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::SetVolume(double v) {
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+  vol = v * SIO_MAXVOL;
+  volpending = 1;
+  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::GetVolume(double* v) {
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+  *v = vol * (1. / SIO_MAXVOL);
+  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+// This stream is always used with sub second buffer sizes, where it's
+// sufficient to simply always flush upon Start().
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::Flush() {}
+void SndioAudioOutputStream::ThreadLoop(void) {
+  int avail, count, result;
+  while (state == kRunning) {
+    // Update volume if needed
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+    if (volpending) {
+      volpending = 0;
+      sio_setvol(hdl, vol);
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+    // Get data to play
+    const base::TimeDelta delay = AudioTimestampHelper::FramesToTime(hw_delay,
+	params.sample_rate());
+    count = source->OnMoreData(delay, base::TimeTicks::Now(), {}, audio_bus.get());
+    audio_bus->ToInterleaved<SignedInt16SampleTypeTraits>(count, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buffer));
+    if (count == 0) {
+      // We have to submit something to the device
+      count = audio_bus->frames();
+      memset(buffer, 0, count * params.GetBytesPerFrame(kSampleFormat));
+      LOG(WARNING) << "No data to play, running empty cycle.";
+    }
+    // Submit data to the device
+    avail = count * params.GetBytesPerFrame(kSampleFormat);
+    result = sio_write(hdl, buffer, avail);
+    if (result == 0) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "Audio device disconnected.";
+      break;
+    }
+    // Update hardware pointer
+    hw_delay += count;
+  }
+}  // namespace media