i love you, and i'm sorry.
  • neethu
  • 20
  • she/her
  • india
  • gemini
  • hi, i'm neethu! i like to make gifs and write sometimes! multi-fandom blog, but mostly 911.

    just to reiterate they literally just DECIDED that a word SOUNDS like a slur and are now telling people to not participate in an event for palestine over that. fucking unhinged worm behavior


    me when im a fucking worm


    bravely speaking out against the event raising money for people affected by genocide due to the admins having a Hater Vibe. you have to laugh at this point. these people are psychopathic and soulless

    113 notes
    1. deangirly reblogged this from thegayestdiaz and added:
      saying “if u do all this work you should be supporting us too” like what how can u compare yourself to actual victims...
    2. bucksbiawakening said: What the fuck lol
    3. elibad reblogged this from cowboy-eddie-diaz
    4. htkpop reblogged this from eddiegettingshot
    5. hermioneindisguise reblogged this from cowboy-eddie-diaz and added:
      I’m sorry someone not liking a character on their own separate personal account is not a reason to dismiss a charity...
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    7. thegayestdiaz reblogged this from 3x15eddie
    8. 3x15eddie reblogged this from eddiegettingshot
    9. glorious-spoon said: what the actual fuck
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