
Just thought I would inform everyone I have updated the “safe” page to include some things and clarify. If you agree with the safe page and tag me in something and I don’t reblog your post, it’s most likely for one of these reasons:

  1. Post-N52 Barbara Gordon/Batgirl is in it. This current version of Babs is ableist writing and I will not post things she’s the main focus of. If I do reblog something with her in it, I won’t tag her (possibly tag ableism (?)) and the post isn’t about her
  2. Whitewashed Post-N52 (2011-) Helena Bertinelli/Huntress. The current version of Helena is black, and edits should reflect that. I understand artists draw her very light, but if you’re going to post it edit it. Or just don’t post it. (pre-n52 Hel B is white, so this goes specifically for current version)
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