Open Bug 794273 Opened 12 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Keep a longer history trail in appdata\local\mozilla\firefox\nightly\updates


(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect, P3)

Windows 7




(Reporter: jaws, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


c:\programdata\mozilla\logs keeps something like the last 10 update logs for bug investigation purposes, however c:\users\%username%\appdata\local\mozilla\firefox\nightly\updates only keeps something like 2 update logs.

This hurts investigations since some of the data is missing when trying to narrow down causes.
Blocks: 794160
Great idea, missed logs by 1 or 2 updates happen frequently whenever I want to get more info.
The code already attempts to keep the last 10 updates ( ).

On Windows 8.1 Pro, I have under C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates the following folders:

folder name, branch, locale, number of updates in updates.xml, last buildID
3EA28945215FD6AC central en-US 10 20140220030202
8B340708E9731F5C aurora en-US 2 20140223004001
15A11966E7110DAF empty
50CD5F2AE7FC3121 central en-US 3 20140222030204
103DF809AB5A0977 central de 5 20140207030201
22655AD901642B91 empty
669983DEA05377AC aurora de 3 20140221004001
B00D09BF5691975C aurora de 5 20140216004001
B917B2995FF78C9B only root node (aurora de 20140208004002 pending)
C2DF5983206A1B52 central en-US 1 20140121063910 (1 update pending)
C6384D80DE126DF3 empty
D0DA7989AF235DA3 beta en-US 1 20140218122424
D23C7469A2DE9E6A 26.0 en-US only root node (20131205075310 pending)
E82D1384F568704B beta de 1 20140205162153
F7ED72EAC389233A empty

As you can see, there are multiple directories for the en-US nightly. Before upgrading from 20140223 to ...24, it showed me the history of 50CD5F2AE7FC3121. After updating, it uses 3EA28945215FD6AC.

Could this be an issue with elevating user rights because the installations are located in C:\Program Files (x86)?
Priority: -- → P3

Regarding comment #2, the directories are install path specific. So, if you run firefox.exe from a location other than "C:\Program Files (x86)" it will create a unique directory for it.

Severity: normal → S3
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