Closed Bug 1877494 Opened 5 months ago Closed 3 months ago

Collect telemetry on Google account signed-in status


(Firefox :: Search, task, P3)




127 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox127 --- fixed


(Reporter: RT, Assigned: scunnane)



(Whiteboard: [sng])


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

As a PM I want to understand if a user is signed into a google account, so that I can better understand his google search experience.

Acceptance criteria:

  • A boolean value reflecting the signed-in (true) or signed-out state (false) gets recorded in telemetry

Hi, can you please help with this data review?

Attachment #9377218 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)

Comment on attachment 9377218 [details]
Request for data collection review form

At what time is this reported? On every page load for which this is true? On every SERP load? On only Google SERP loads?

Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Attachment #9377218 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)
Attached file Cat3 request (obsolete) —

Now re-submitting the same request updated to Cat3 per request.

Attachment #9377218 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Attachment #9377372 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)

Apologies for messing-up here. I now resubmit the original request which was right as Cat2.

Attachment #9377373 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)
Attachment #9377372 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9377372 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)

(In reply to Chris H-C :chutten from comment #2)

Comment on attachment 9377218 [details]
Request for data collection review form

At what time is this reported? On every page load for which this is true? On every SERP load? On only Google SERP loads?

I assume that collection on Google SERP load is suited here and that could be extended for that purpose in a similar manner to what was done for the is_private boolean.

Comment on attachment 9377373 [details]
Re-submitted original request


Is there or will there be documentation that describes the schema for the ultimate data set available publicly, complete and accurate?


Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn the data collection on and off?

Yes. This collection can be controlled through Firefox's Preferences.

If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time?

Yes, Romain Testard is responsible.

Using the category system of data types on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under?

Category 2, Interaction.

Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off?

Default on for all channels.

Does the instrumentation include the addition of any new identifiers?


Is the data collection covered by the existing Firefox privacy notice?


Does the data collection use a third-party collection tool?


Result: datareview+

Attachment #9377373 - Flags: data-review?(chutten) → data-review+
Severity: -- → N/A
Type: enhancement → task
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [sng]
Assignee: nobody → scunnane
Attachment #9396108 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1877494 - Collect telemetry on Google account signed-in status. → Bug 1877494 - Collect telemetry on Google account signed-in status. r?jteow!
Pushed by
Collect telemetry on Google account signed-in status. r=jteow
Blocks: 1891634
Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 127 Branch
Blocks: 1891799
Blocks: 1892332

Romain, I wanted to call your attention to a known and intended limitation of this telemetry: we will not be collecting information as to whether a client is signed in to a Google account at SERP load time when the client is in private browsing mode. The needinfo is just for awareness - I don't actually need any further information!

No longer blocks: 1892332
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)

(In reply to Stephanie Cunnane [:scunnane] from comment #10)

Romain, I wanted to call your attention to a known and intended limitation of this telemetry: we will not be collecting information as to whether a client is signed in to a Google account at SERP load time when the client is in private browsing mode. The needinfo is just for awareness - I don't actually need any further information!

Makes total sense, thank you

Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
See Also: → 1892332
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