Open Bug 1825733 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Newly added bookmarks inside 360 Secure Browser do not import inside Firefox after the bookmarks were imported once


(Firefox :: Migration, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr102 --- wontfix
firefox111 --- wontfix
firefox112 --- wontfix
firefox113 --- fix-optional


(Reporter: atrif, Unassigned)




(1 file)

Attached image 360secure.gif

Found in

  • 113.0a1 (2023-03-29)

Affected versions

  • 113.0a1 (2023-03-29)
  • 112.0b9
  • 111.0.1
  • 102.9.0esr

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, Windows 11x64
  • Unaffected platforms: macOS12, Ubuntu 20 (360SE not available)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open 360SE browser and bookmark some pages.
  2. Import the bookmarks into Firefox.
  3. Open the 360SE browser again and add more bookmarks.
  4. Import the bookmarks into Firefox.

Expected result

  • All bookmarks are imported.

Actual result

  • Only old bookmarks are imported.

Regression range

  • Not a regression, this is reproducing with the implementation of the importing from the 360SE browser (bug 1659730).

Additional notes

  • Attached a screen recording.
  • Version of 360SE is 108.0.5359.95 .

Hector, can you take a look?

Flags: needinfo?(bzhao)

Hi :atrif and :Gijs,

Since 360SE v10, they switched to an encrypted file as the canonical bookmarks storage, and we're relying on backups which are still in plaintext to import them.

As mentioned in this comment, "These backups are not necessarily up to date, and we don't know for sure when one will be created, but hopefully the most recent one is good enough for a migrating user." I believe that's what happened in the screen recording.

I've reproduced it with the latest 360SE v14 (Chromium 108), and can confirm the bookmarks imported into Firefox, while different from the latest state in 360SE itself, are exactly those in the available backup.

Flags: needinfo?(bzhao)

Sounds like this is expected, so downgrading severity.

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