Open Bug 1764520 Opened 2 years ago Updated 4 months ago

Intermittent /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Etag / Last-Modified and fresh response - assert_eq


(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect, P5)





(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])

Filed by: ccozmuta [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2022-04-13T08:41:28.327Z] 08:41:28     INFO - TEST-START | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:28.328Z] 08:41:28     INFO - Closing window 4899912b-5caf-4004-91c4-a4d23d968860
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.439Z] 08:41:29     INFO - 
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.439Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-PASS | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network for stale responses with Etag and stale response 
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.440Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-PASS | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network for stale responses with Last-Modified and stale response 
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.440Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-PASS | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Etag and fresh response 
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.440Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Last-Modified and fresh response - assert_equals: expected 1 but got 2
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.440Z] 08:41:29     INFO - make_test/</<@http://web-platform.test:8000/fetch/api/request/request-cache.js:203:22
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.442Z] 08:41:29     INFO - ....
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.442Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-OK | /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | took 1114ms
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.444Z] 08:41:29     INFO - PID 13717 | 1649839289438	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 52832
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.918Z] 08:41:29     INFO - .....
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.918Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-OK | /fetch/http-cache/304-update.any.sharedworker.html | took 9870ms
[task 2022-04-13T08:41:29.918Z] 08:41:29     INFO - TEST-START | /fetch/http-cache/304-update.any.worker.html
Blocks: fetch
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]
Summary: Intermittent /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Last-Modified and fresh response - assert_equals: e → Intermittent /fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.any.html | RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Etag / Last-Modified and fresh response - assert_eq
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