Open Bug 1662901 Opened 4 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Prompt user to enable read&write access on Firefox folder, in order for Firefox to download and install updates.


(Toolkit :: Application Update, enhancement, P3)

80 Branch





(Reporter: 49studebaker, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0

Steps to reproduce:

On the Menu update popup. The following is displayed: "Firefox can't update to the latest version. Download a fresh copy of Firefox and we'll help you install it. See what's new."

On the "About Mozilla Firefox" dialog box, when an update check is not successful, the following is displayed: "Checking for updates..." then "Updates available at"

Actual results:

Firefox did not update.

Expected results:

On the "About Mozilla Firefox" dialog box, when an update check is not successful, could you display "Enable write access on the Firefox folder, in order for Firefox to download and install updates. Or download updates at"

On the Menu update popup, could you display the following: "Firefox can't update to the latest version, because the Firefox folder does not have write access. Enable write access on the Firefox folder or download a fresh copy of Firefox and we'll help you install it. See what's new."

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: Untriaged → Application Update
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Prompt user to enable write access on Firefox folder, in order for Firefox to download and install updates. → Prompt user to enable read&write access on Firefox folder, in order for Firefox to download and install updates.

Maybe there could be a "Click here to enable read&write access for Firefox." A user could then be prompted to enter their Sudo password and Firefox could run a command to enable read&write access on the Firefox folder.

If a user knew that Firefox could download small delta updates, he/she might update Firefox more frequently. If a user thinks he/she has to download a full installation of Firefox, the user might delay updates until a major version of Firefox is released. The user might then download and install the new major version. Not downloading minor security updates would result in the user being less secure. Not everyone in the world has high speed internet access.

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