Open Bug 1605649 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Non-privileged users asked to update Firefox


(Toolkit :: Application Update, enhancement, P3)

72 Branch





(Reporter: e.vandyken, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36 OPR/65.0.3467.78

Steps to reproduce:

A "normal"user logs in and uses Firefox but not me as an administrator logs in. When a new (beta) version is available, Firefox asks the non-experienced user to install Firefox, but she can't as she has not admin privileges. The admin always needs to step-in to solve the problem.

Actual results:

Cancel update until admin logs in.

Expected results:

Firefox should recognize that a user has no admin rights and should not bother her with something which can not be done.

thanks for submitting this bug to us!

I was unable to reproduce this issue, I tried on Windows 10, MacOS 10.14.5 and Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS with Firefox Beta 68, 70 and Nightly version 73.0a1 (2019-12-26) (64-bit).

I attach a screenshot that shows how browser suggests it will be updated in another instance.

I've already chosen a component for this bug in hope that someone with more expertise may look at it. We'll await their answer.


Component: Untriaged → Security
Flags: needinfo?(e.vandyken)
Component: Security → Application Update
Product: Firefox → Toolkit

Do you know if the Mozilla Maintenance Service was installed? If not, could you ask your admins?

Presumed STR:

  1. Install firefox through admin privs with / without the maintenance service (You can control this through the full installer)
  2. run firefox as a normal users, wait for an update


With the maintenance service installed, firefox should prompt for updates and updates should apply successfully through user action.
Without the ms installed, firefox should not prompt for updates.

It's possible we chose to prompt in the second case. Lets confirm first.

Flags: qe-verify?

We do notify non-privileged users of updates.

Summary: Non-priveliged users asked to update Firefox → Non-privileged users asked to update Firefox
Priority: -- → P3

e.vandyeken, did you install the Maintenance Service on this system? This is the default option when installing Firefox, and it would be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service". If installed Firefox shouldn't need to prompt unprivileged users for admin credentials when updating. If you don't have the service but would like to use it now, you can re-install Firefox, this won't affect existing user profiles.

If you do have the maintenance service installed, then there may be a bug causing the UAC prompt to appear. You can help us diagnose this with the updater and maintenance service logs: In the update folder (you can find this in about:support) there is a folder called updates, this will have a few .log files, please attach those to this bug. Also please attach "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service\logs\maintenanceservice.log".

Thanks for helping us to understand the situation here.

I installed the Maintenance Service and I am Admin. When others use this PC and there is a new version the UAC prompt appears and asks if it is OK when Firefox is updated. I my opinion the updater should recognize that not the Admin is logged in and asking is useless.

Flags: needinfo?(e.vandyken)
Severity: normal normal → S3 S3

Changing qe-verify? to qe-verify+.

Flags: qe-verify? → qe-verify+
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