Open Bug 1583551 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Slowness with Firefox ESR 60


(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect, P3)

60 Branch





(Reporter: marius.tarlo, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])


(3 files)

Attached image Navigation-Timing.jpg

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

We have deployed Firefox ESR 60 on our ~90 000 computers

Actual results:

We have a tool which reports to us the time used to display their home page (which is our intranet home page)

On a quarter of our users, the home page takes more than 3 seconds to open, and in general, the average time to display that page has increased when we have completed the Firefox ESR 60 deployment

See attached file : in the whole 2018 year, all the computers had Firefox ESR 52, we had an average time (the purple dash) of displaying the home page that was about 1000 milliseconds, on 4th week of 2019, we have started our "pilot phase" which means that we have deployed on 9 000 computers, and we see that the curve increases a little bit (average : 1500 ms), and on on 14th week of 2019, we have "generalized" which means we have deployed Firefox ESR 60 on all of our 90 000 computers (and you can see that the curve increases a lot more (average : 2000 ms))

what kind of content is displayed on the homepage & how is firefox esr 68 behaving (which will be the only supported esr version in a month's time)?

Also, does the slowdown seem to be the start of Firefox or the rendering of the homepage? Can you observe this?

Attached image welcome.jpg
Attached image Performances on ESR 68

"what kind of content is displayed on the homepage?"
The homepage is an intranet page that looks like the new image i've put in attachment, all the users have the same (set by GPO)
I can provide the source code of this page but I don't want it to be available to everyone

"how is firefox esr 68 behaving?"
I only have Firefox ESR 68 on my own computer because I work on the future deployment when ESR 68.2 will be released, and it seems to be pretty fast (I've put what I got with the Performances tool in a new attachment) but I think I cannot compare an individual case to statistical data collected on ~90 000 users
We should have it deployed on all our computers by the end of the year and we will follow how the situation evolves

"Also, does the slowdown seem to be the start of Firefox or the rendering of the homepage? Can you observe this?"
I don't know, I just have the collected data I've attached above, we will try to answer this question by looking a little bit in depth

I will set a component, if someone who handle this problem can find a proper one please fell free to change it.

Component: Untriaged → DOM: Networking
Product: Firefox → Core
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]


How could we go forward on this topic?

Thank you very much

Severity: normal normal → S3 S3
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