Open Bug 1331906 Opened 8 years ago Updated 1 year ago type: windowType: popup. The window created desn't scroll.


(WebExtensions :: Frontend, defect, P3)

53 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: oinkandstuff, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.94 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Create window: type: windowType: popup.

Actual results:

The window created doesn't scroll. it's fixed. Scroll don't even show.

Expected results:

The window should show the scroll and should be able to scroll to the bottom of the webpage.
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed] triaged
webextensions: --- → ?
webextensions: ? → ---
I confirm that this bug still exists.
If I open for example Twitter or Facebook on a popup window the vertical scroll is gone making the popup window useless.
On Chrome and Opera the popup window works just like a regular window showing scroll.
(In reply to oinkandstuff from comment #1)
> I confirm that this bug still exists.
> If I open for example Twitter or Facebook on a popup window the vertical
> scroll is gone making the popup window useless.
> On Chrome and Opera the popup window works just like a regular window
> showing scroll.

Hi oinkandstuff, this will be on the agenda for the August 8 WebExtensions APIs triage meeting. Would you be able to join us? 


Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed] triaged
Priority: -- → P3
I'm sorry, but why is this a wontfix? It's an obvious bug, not a feature-request.
(In reply to Lusito from comment #4)
> I'm sorry, but why is this a wontfix? It's an obvious bug, not a
> feature-request.

The bug hasn't been closed, it was just marked as wontfix for Firefox 57 since the cutoff for landing code in 57 is approaching rapidly and everybody is busy with higher-priority work.
Ah, OK. Thanks for the clarification.
It is still not corrected in FF59. This makes popup window almost unusable.
For now, it is the only way to open a window without a tab-bar from the browser API. As the API (that can be much more customized than is not usable from the background page...
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
This bug with the popup window being unscrollable happens to me too (FF59), but I think I found a way around it.
I made a page in my extension that just redirects to the url.

fix.html: (you could easily shorten this if you wanted to)
> <script>
> var url = new URL(;
> var parsedUrl = url.searchParams.get('url');
> location.href = parsedUrl;
> </script>

And then I set the url for a popup window to 
> windowobj.url = chrome.runtime.getURL('fix.html') + '?url=' + url;

For some reason after redirecting the url through there, the scrolling in the popup window works normally

Is this fixed? I can't reproduce it on Firefox 66.

This issue is happening again! I have a ton of extensions blocked by this.
Not happening on Firefox Developers Edition.

(In reply to oinkandstuff from comment #10)

This issue is happening again! I have a ton of extensions blocked by this.
Not happening on Firefox Developers Edition.

Happening on Firefox 60. Not on Firefox 68.

Hello, I am new to contributing to Bugzilla can you assigned me to this issue so that I can learn to fix these bugs and also suggest to me how can Is start working on this bug to fix it.

Hi Falguni, welcome! This probably isn't a good bug to get started with. :) Want to take a look at our list of good-first-bugs ( and see if any of them look interesting? Go ahead and comment on an issue that you'd like to work on so we know you're interested, and then you can ask specific questions in the comment and needinfo the bug's mentor for help. Once you submit a patch, we'll assign you to the issue.

Also, you'll want to use this resource to get started:

Have fun!

Severity: normal → S3
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