Closed Bug 1324804 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Non-e10s] Select not working when confirmation geolocation popup is open


(Toolkit Graveyard :: Notifications and Alerts, defect)

36 Branch
Not set


(firefox50 wontfix, firefox51 wontfix, firefox52 wontfix, firefox-esr52- wontfix, firefox53 wontfix, firefox54 verified, firefox55 verified)

Tracking Status
firefox50 --- wontfix
firefox51 --- wontfix
firefox52 --- wontfix
firefox-esr52 - wontfix
firefox53 --- wontfix
firefox54 --- verified
firefox55 --- verified


(Reporter: stanislavmelnychek, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Attached file index.html
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

When confirmation geolocation popup is open and you try to change option from select list there is nothing happens in first time.

Actual results:

Option the same as it was.

Expected results:

It should change option from select after change it
Regression window:

Florian Quèze — Bug 991202 - The event callback of popup notifications should have a way to prevent the panel from showing, r=felipe.
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
Has STR: --- → yes
Component: Untriaged → Notifications and Alerts
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Summary: Select not working when confirmation geolocation popup is open → [Non-e10s] Select not working when confirmation geolocation popup is open
Version: 50 Branch → 31 Branch
status-firefox53=unaffected is due to bug 1282768 changed the form.
Florian, do you think we can get a fix that's uplift-able to, say, 52 ESR (I only ask about ESR because of the non-e10s aspect here)?
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
(In reply to Andrew Overholt [:overholt] from comment #3)
> Florian, do you think we can get a fix that's uplift-able to, say, 52 ESR (I
> only ask about ESR because of the non-e10s aspect here)?

I can't reproduce (I tried on 50.1.0 on OS X with e10s disabled). Is this Windows-only?

Also, I don't see how this relates to bug 991202, which was a pretty self-contained patch, only adding a simple feature to PopupNotifications.jsm. Can mozregression provide a more specific regression range?
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
(In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] [:flo] from comment #4)
> (In reply to Andrew Overholt [:overholt] from comment #3)
> > Florian, do you think we can get a fix that's uplift-able to, say, 52 ESR (I
> > only ask about ESR because of the non-e10s aspect here)?
> I can't reproduce (I tried on 50.1.0 on OS X with e10s disabled). Is this
> Windows-only?

Yes, I reproduce it on Windows 10.

> Also, I don't see how this relates to bug 991202, which was a pretty
> self-contained patch, only adding a simple feature to
> PopupNotifications.jsm. Can mozregression provide a more specific regression
> range?

I could not get a more accurate range because it was stale.
OS: Unspecified → Windows 10
Given comment 5, any chance you could take a look on a Windows machine, Florian?
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
bisecting on Windows gives me this range:

I would say bug 1079303 is the most likely suspect.
Blocks: 1079303
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
OS: Windows 10 → Windows
Version: 31 Branch → 36 Branch
I can try to look at this when I have access to my Windows machine again (likely Thursday).

However, at a guess, I expect this has to do with popup rollup, though it's not clear to me why it would have been affected in any way by my patches from bug 1079303. If those patches did change something, I would expect that you would be able to reproduce the same issue before my patches when using another (animating?) popup like the main menu popup. Florian, is that the case?

On OS X, the popup rolls up as soon as you click the select dropdown. Is that not what happens on Windows? Florian?
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
(In reply to :Gijs from comment #8)

> If those patches did change something, I would expect that
> you would be able to reproduce the same issue before my patches when using
> another (animating?) popup like the main menu popup. Florian, is that the
> case?

I haven't tried on builds before your patches, but I've just verified that the bug can be reproduced on both 52 and the current trunk with the control center panel. It reproduces with the main menu popup too.

> On OS X, the popup rolls up as soon as you click the select dropdown. Is
> that not what happens on Windows? Florian?

I can't reproduce on OS X. I would guess there's something platform specific in the way the <select> element's popup captures events, but it's just a random guess.
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
Based on comment 9, it sounds like 53/54 are in fact affected as well.
FWIW I cannot reproduce in nightly on Windows 10 with the attached index.html ( but that could be because of the new geolocation doorhanger design. I haven't tried the control center panel or the main menu popup that Florian references in comment 9.
Too late for firefox 52, mass-wontfix.
Really unclear if this still reproduces and in what way. Andrei can your team check which branches may be affected (for Windows only)?  Sounds like it may be fixed in 55 but maybe not in 54 and 52esr. 

It seems unlikely this could have been broken since 50! I'm hoping that it's fixed already.
Flags: needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
Also, no rush on this, I'm not considering it a blocker for 53, this is just to test fairly soon for 54 (during 54 beta)
I've investigated this bug and noticed that the issue is not reproducible on builds that contain the new design for the geolocation confirmation pop-up. 

This bug was fixed along the way by one of the bugs from this pushlog, generated by mozregression:
Last good revision: abecacadf9d3006029eb2208445521f495e80a70
First bad revision: 2e3bef583561c4812e6093a5ec639b1a58d0ab18

The issue is still reproducible on Firefox 52.1.0 ESR.

I confirm that the issue is no longer reproducible on Firefox 54.0b1, or on Firefox 55.0a1 (2017-04-20).

Tests were performed using STR from Comment 0, with e10s enabled and disabled, under Windows 10x64, Ubuntu 16.04x64, Mac OS X 10.12.4.
Flags: needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
We may want to consider this for ESR52 uplift.
I doubt we'll go back and fix this in esr52, especially if the fix came in the form of a design change for the doorhanger.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Toolkit → Toolkit Graveyard
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