Open Bug 1222374 Opened 9 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Audio doesn't display box-shadow when I load it in background tab the first time in a session


(Core :: Graphics: ImageLib, defect, P5)

41 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox45 --- affected


(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])


(1 file)

STR:   (Win7_64, Nightly 45, 32bit, ID 20151102030241, new profile)
1. Make sure that option "Don’t load tabs until selected" in preferences is enabled and you don't have active tabs with audio/video 
2. Restart Firefox
3. Middle-click this link or drag & drop it between current tab in tabs toolbar and the next one
   to load the audio in background tab (make sure you didn't hover over the next tab, because
   it can contain audio/video, and that's bad for reproducing)
> url:
Or you can save the audio locally (preferable) and drag the file between current tab and the next tab.
4. Wait until the tab with audio will load (you'll see sound indicator in that tab)
5. Switch to the tab with audio

Result (A):
 There's no box-shadow around the <video> element because it has width == 0px.

Expectations (A):
 <video> element should have normal width (28px to me) to be properly aligned and to display box-shadow
In addition to STR in comment 0:
1) s/width/height   (of course)
2) actually you can use any audio file, not necessarily provided by me

1. Open any audio in a new active tab
2. Right-click the audio, click "Hide controls"   [you'll get the empty rectangle with box-shadow]
3. Right-click the empty rectangle, click "Show controls"

 The same result as in comment 0: <video> element has height==0px, box-shadow isn't displayed

 <video> element should have normal height (28px to me) to be properly aligned and to display box-shadow
I can reproduce since Firefox28

1. Open the URL
2. Right-click the audio, click "Hide controls"   [you'll get the empty rectangle with box-shadow]
3. Right-click the empty rectangle, click "Show controls"
4. Right-click the audio, click "Hide controls"

Actual Results:
It is not possible to right-click on the audio element, because box-shadow isn't displayed.

Regression window:

Regressed by:
f9a5108cf2b2	Jared Wein — Bug 704326 - Standalone audio files should have different style so they don't look awkward. r=smaug,dolske
Blocks: 704326
Flags: needinfo?(jaws)
Keywords: regression
See Also: → 1222669
(In reply to Alice0775 White from comment #2)
> regression
Thanks for the pushlog. I wrote STR (B) because I thought that (A) & (B) is the same issue. But (A) has different regression window, so I filed bug 1222669 about STR (B). Feel free to edit.

This bug (comment 0) was regressed between 2015-06-21 and 2015-06-22:
> pushlog_url:
9bee343c34ec	Seth Fowler — Bug 1175371 - Make VectorImage wait to deliver LOAD_COMPLETE until
                                            its size is available. r=dholbert
Blocks: 1175371
No longer blocks: 704326
Flags: needinfo?(jaws) → needinfo?(seth)
Has STR: --- → yes
Closing old needinfo request. Marking as P5 since this has complicated steps to reproduce and the effects of it are not blocking.
Flags: needinfo?(seth)
Priority: -- → P5
(In reply to Jared Wein [:jaws] (please needinfo? me) from comment #4)
> since this has complicated steps to reproduce
Excuse me? "Open link in a new tab" is not a "complicated STR". Comment 4 is invalid
Component: Video/Audio Controls → ImageLib
Flags: needinfo?(seth)
Product: Toolkit → Core
Version: Trunk → 41 Branch
Whiteboard: [gfx-noted]
Severity: normal → S3

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Flags: needinfo?(seth.bugzilla)
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