Open Bug 1088294 Opened 10 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Firefox update hotfix v3


(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect)





(Reporter: robert.strong.bugs, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


After bug 1040228 is deployed I think we should create an update hotfix for all platforms where we enable update checking if it is disabled and disable the incompatible add-on check (default) if it is enabled.

How long to wait until deploying after bug 1040228 is deployed and to what versions of Firefox have as yet not been decided.
OS: Windows 8.1 → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Assignee: nobody → robert.strong.bugs
Is there also a measurement component to this? For instance, measuring how many users are currently not being updated specifically because of the incompatible addon check?

Also note that hotfixes are only deployed to users who have updating enabled, so if updates were turned off they won't get the hotfix. But we don't believe that is the common case.
Flags: needinfo?(robert.strong.bugs)
There definitely will be a measurement component for this.
Flags: needinfo?(robert.strong.bugs)
It's unlikely that I will get to work on this in the next two weeks, so unassigning myself for now.
Assignee: robert.strong.bugs → nobody
No assignee, updating the status.
No assignee, updating the status.
No assignee, updating the status.
No assignee, updating the status.
Severity: normal → S3
Component: General → Application Update
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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