Wed Jul 3 2024 19:51:36 PDT
  • status-firefox94: disabled

88 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1744235 Sound not audible when the unmute action is done in the PIP window - on Toolkit Picture-in-Picture nobody NEW --- 2022-01-10
1742754 Downloaded PDF is set as Read-only with improvements_to_download_panel enabled Firefox Downloads Panel nobody RESO FIXE 2022-01-06
1742362 [mostly macOS 10.12 in Firefox 94+] Fission crash in [@ nsDeviceContext::BeginPage] Core Printing: Output emilio RESO FIXE 2022-01-04
1741895 Add a test that we switch a site from non-isolated to isolated on the first navigation when submitting a login with a password. Core DOM: Content Process afarre NEW --- 2021-11-22
1741223 Crash in [@ kernelbase.dll | __delayLoadHelper2 | _tailMerge_avrt.dll | audioipc_client::context::impl$3::init::closure$6] with security.sandbox.content.level = 20 Core Security: Process Sa nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-09
1741081 Tearing on sway when enabling gfx.webrender.compositor.force-enabled. Core Graphics nobody RESO INVA 2022-02-22
1740971 heap-use-after-free in [@ mozilla::dom::HTMLDialogElement::FocusDialog] Core DOM: Core & HTML smaug VERI FIXE 2022-08-27
1740800 Deprecated Intel DDX driver: Firefox 94.0 crashes when creating new normal or private window. (Caused by manually enabling blocklisted HW WR.) Core Widget: Gtk nobody RESO FIXE 2021-12-15
1740696 [DE][] Credit Card type is not selected by autofill Toolkit Form Autofill nobody REOP --- 2022-04-15
1740693 [DE][] Exp Month and Year dropdowns are not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2022-02-11
1740672 [DE][] Exp Month and Year dropdowns are not reset upon "Clear Form" Toolkit Form Autofill nobody VERI FIXE 2022-03-11
1740669 [DE][] All the autofilled fields from the Payment are not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody VERI FIXE 2024-03-07
1740665 [DE][] CC dropdown is not opened for expiry Month and Year field Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2022-06-20
1740524 [DE][] The autofilled fields are not highlighted with the autofill specific yellow highlight color Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740521 [DE][] The CC Expiry Date dropdowns are not captured nor autofilled Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740512 [DE][] The "Clear Form" option does not clear all the autofilled fields Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740510 [DE][] CC autofill toggled from the Credit Card number will fill in only the CC number field Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740473 [DE][] The CC autofill dropdown is not displayed upon clicking the Expiration Date field Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740471 [DE][] The CC autofill eligible fields are not previewed as filled in upon hovering over a CC entry from the dropdown Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-11
1740465 [FR][] Credit Card Save doorhanger is not displayed upon form submit Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-12-14
1740463 [DE][] The Cardholder Name and Expiration Date is not captured in the doorhanger nor stored in CC storage Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-11-23
1740452 [FR][] The "Clear Form" option is not offered for any of the autofilled fields Toolkit Form Autofill nobody RESO WORK 2022-06-20
1740446 [FR][DE][] The Expiry date is incorrectly autofilled Toolkit Form Autofill tgiles VERI FIXE 2021-11-18
1740442 [DE][] The Cardholder Name is not recognised by Credit Card capture not autofill Toolkit Form Autofill tgiles VERI FIXE 2021-11-18
1740271 [FR][] Exp Month and Year dropdowns are not reset upon "Clear Form" option toggled from a different field Toolkit Form Autofill nobody VERI FIXE 2022-03-10
1740264 [FR][] The autofilled fields from the Payment are not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2022-03-04
1740256 [FR][] Autofilled fields that are focused do not display yellow highlight Toolkit Form Autofill nobody VERI FIXE 2024-03-07
1740251 [FR][][false-positive] The CC autofill dropdown is displayed for the Card Name field Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-12-08
1740220 [FR][] The auto-filled Expiration date are not reset upon Clear Form nor highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2022-06-20
1740218 [FR][] The auto-filled fields on the Credit Card form are not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-12-15
1739995 [UK][] The autofilled Credit Card number field is not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody RESO WONT 2022-04-13
1739988 [UK][] The autofilled fields from the Payment and Login form are not highlighted Toolkit Form Autofill nobody NEW --- 2021-12-14
1739831 Fail Fast Exception crash with security.sandbox.content.level 20 Core Security: Process Sa bobowencode RESO FIXE 08:50:47
1739611 EGL gets blocklisted on nVidia in multi-gpu setups (symbol eglGetDisplayDriverName not defined) Core Graphics: WebRender robert.mader RESO FIXE 2023-03-04
1739499 [Iris Xe GPU] Tabs crash with media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled set to true (Linux Kernel 5.15.8 contains the fix) Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody RESO MOVE 2022-01-25
1739259 Snap, X11/dual GPU NV+Intel: Intel-only=ok (EGL as expected). NV on-demand + NV-only = "X11_EGL: broken by runtime: glxtest could not use EGL" + "glxtest: libEGL missing" (GLX as expected, but libEGL should not be missing) Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody RESO INCO 2022-11-30
1738448 PDF.js download button immediately opens local copy, causing it to be deleted after the private browsing session ends, when in private browsing Firefox Downloads Panel sfoster RESO FIXE 2022-11-11
1737926 Download "could not be saved, because an unknown error occurred." in nightly Firefox Downloads Panel gijskruitbosch+bugs RESO FIXE 2021-12-09
1736245 EGL/X11/Nvidia: Setting the necessary __GL_ALLOW_FXAA_USAGE=0 env var regressed 4 windows of from ~45-51 fps each to ~15 fps each on a 60 Hz display (Workaround: Enable "Force Composition Pipeline" in NVIDIA X Server Settings) Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1735931 {inc} inconsistent height for percent-sized item in grid area, with `layout.css.grid-item-baxis-measurement.enabled` enabled Core Layout: Grid sefeng RESO DUPL 2022-02-15
1735929 Dmabuf WebGL/X11/Nvidia: Failed to create gl framebuffer Core Widget: Gtk stransky RESO FIXE 2023-10-26
1735677 gfx.webrender.debug.dl.dump-content causes weird crashes (memory corruption?) Core Graphics: WebRender mikokm RESO FIXE 2021-10-19
1735376 {inc} table-row (as descendant of grid) gets inconsistent height in incremental vs. full layout, with grid optimization enabled Core Layout: Grid nobody NEW --- 2022-01-21
1734435 HttpChannel bypassProxy flag does not honor network.proxy.failover_direct pref Core Networking: HTTP mixedpuppy RESO FIXE 2022-08-27
1734367 Windows native appearance for <menulist> elements conflicts with dark mode dialogs, makes text illegible Core Widget emilio VERI FIXE 2021-12-12
1734297 Bad dark mode contrast for name textbox in Create Profile Wizard Toolkit Themes emilio VERI FIXE 2021-12-16
1733978 doesn't work appropriately on Nightly Core Layout: Grid sefeng RESO FIXE 2021-12-15
1733379 Perma [tier 2] async-scrolling/fixed-pos-scrolled-clip-2.html == async-scrolling/fixed-pos-scrolled-clip-2-ref.html | image comparison, max difference: 12, number of differing pixels: 135 Core Layout aryx.bugmail RESO FIXE 2021-12-21
1733368 [wdspec] Re-enable tests for Windows 10 ccov after AWS to Azure migration Testing geckodriver hskupin RESO FIXE 2021-11-17
1732817 Scrolling on is much less smooth on fenix than in chrome with backdrop-filter Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1732563 Blurred rectangles pop up after scrolling down/up on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO WORK 2022-05-26
1732365 Jank on GLX/fvwm X11/Intel when moving the second Firefox window to another page Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO WORK 2021-11-29
1732051 Wayland compositor causes window to be transparent Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1731965 Janky scrolling due to backdrop-filter on Android on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO FIXE 2022-06-14
1731895 Wayland compositor tiles get misaligned Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2022-04-18
1731596 Hit MOZ_CRASH(ArrayVec: capacity exceeded in extend/from_iter) at /third_party/rust/arrayvec/src/ Core Graphics: WebGPU dmalyshau VERI FIXE 2022-02-07
1731581 Scrollbar is purple in private windows with APZ disabled. Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2021-12-08
1731450 Crash in [@ mozilla::widget::WlCrashHandler]: wp_viewport@2581: error 0: x and y values must be zero or positive and width and height valuest must be positive or all values must be -1 to unset the vie Core Widget: Gtk nobody RESO WORK 2022-01-16
1731172 MOZ_X11_EGL/Nvidia: Broken fonts and images after suspend/resume EGL Core Graphics robert.mader RESO FIXE 2022-01-04
1730991 GPU process + KDE&XFCE with disabled compositor + EGL or GLX on proprietary Nvidia: Crash in [@ handle_response | _XEventsQueued] when activating autoscroll or when opening <select> dropdown Core Widget: Gtk nobody RESO DUPL 2022-01-30
1730981 WebRender broken on intel gen5 with Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO INCO 2024-04-01
1729709 [Wayland] Avoid move-to-rect calls when popup size changes but it still fits main window bounds Core Widget: Gtk stransky RESO FIXE 2021-10-28
1729648 Crash in [@ __pthread_kill | pthread_kill | abort | MTLReportFailure.cold.1] Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody RESO WORK 2022-10-18
1729640 Isolate sites that users are logged in or have passwords saved for using Android Fission Toolkit Password Manager dlee RESO FIXE 2021-11-18
1729613 Bugzilla tooltips flicker and disappear when gfx.webrender.compositor.force-enabled is enabled Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO WORK 2021-09-14
1728811 Translation leads to 'lorlorlor' Firefox Translations nobody RESO FIXE 2023-01-09
1727678 Enable wasm sandboxing on all remaining platforms on automation Core Security: Process Sa mh+mozilla RESO FIXE 2022-03-08
1727266 Enable wasm sandboxing on 32-bits Windows and Linux Core Security: Process Sa mh+mozilla RESO FIXE 2022-03-08
1727171 Intermittent Windows 10 2004 browser/components/uitour/test/browser_fxa_config.js | Test timed out - Firefox Tours nobody RESO WORK 2022-06-27
1727170 Intermittent Windows 10 2004 toolkit/components/viewsource/test/browser/browser_contextmenu.js | Uncaught exception received from previously timed out test - popupshown listener on #contentAreaContextMenu not removed before the end of test Toolkit View Source nobody RESO DUPL 2022-07-27
1727097 Intermittent Windows 10 2004 toolkit/components/antitracking/test/browser/browser_contentBlockingTelemetry.js | expected counts should match for STORAGE_ACCESS_REMAINING_DAYS at index 29 - 0 == 1 - JS frame :: resource://testing-common/ Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-05-16
1726323 [layout.css.devPixelsPerPx] Random Toolbar menus (Library, Downloads Panel, Application Menu, etc.) won't open Core Widget: Gtk nobody RESO DUPL 2022-10-12
1726186 [video color range changes] Video whiter while using VAAPI hwaccel Core Audio/Video: Playbac stransky RESO FIXE 2022-06-27
1721850 Crash in [@ nsIconChannel::GetHIconFromFile] Core Security: Process Sa cmartin RESO FIXE 2024-03-13
1713973 [Win32k lockdown] NS_GetComplexLineBreaks crash in [@ RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection | RtlpEnterCriticalSectionContended | RtlEnterCriticalSection | ThaiBreak] Core Layout: Text and Fon bobowencode RESO FIXE 2023-01-11
1690687 Investigate if we can avoid -[NSApplication postEvent:atStart:] to wake up the native event loop Core Widget: Cocoa jmuizelaar RESO FIXE 2022-03-28
1684230 Resist Fingerprinting breaks WebGL Peaks of Austria site because RFP's max texture size is too small Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody NEW --- 2022-12-07
1669189 Crash in [@ XDisplayString] when enabling VAAPI on proprietary Nvidia (deprecated libva-vdpau-driver does not support Dmabuf) Core Widget: Gtk nobody RESO DUPL 2023-05-24
1667913 Enable incremental weakmap marking in the browser Core JavaScript: GC sphink RESO FIXE 2022-08-27
1651258 backdrop-filter: stack-overflow in [@ webrender::prepare::prepare_prim_for_render] Core Graphics: WebRender gwatson REOP --- 2024-03-26
1649668 RustMozCrash [@ webrender::spatial_tree::SpatialTree::get_relative_transform] Core Graphics: WebRender nobody RESO FIXE 2023-06-16
1644914 Navigations from the location bar disappear from the session navigation history with browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction=true Core DOM: Navigation mail RESO FIXE 2022-02-27
1619585 VAAPI video playback leads to sandbox violations (Temporary solution: Uninstall iHD driver (intel-media-driver) and install i965 driver (i965-va-driver == intel-vaapi-driver)) Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody RESO DUPL 2022-11-01
1610382 Intermittent remote/cdp/test/browser/network/browser_setCacheDisabled.js | Test timed out - Remote Protocol CDP nobody RESO DUPL 2022-07-25
1524813 Intermittent ccov windows TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/permissions/ | expected OK Remote Protocol Marionette hskupin RESO FIXE 2023-02-22
1507121 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/new_session/ | expected OK Remote Protocol Marionette hskupin RESO FIXE 2023-02-22
1495002 Permafailure ccov tier2 Wd3 TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/[+/- folder]/test_name| expected OK Remote Protocol Marionette hskupin RESO FIXE 2023-02-22
1279309 GLX vsync freezes after XRandR changes with Intel DDX driver Core Graphics nobody RESO DUPL 2021-10-04
88 bugs found.