Mont d’an endalc’had


Ur pennad eus ar Wikeriadur, ar geriadur liesyezhek frank a wirioù.



Savet diwar all hag ar stagell though .

Stagell isurzhiañ

although /ˈɔlðow/

  1. daoust ma (e penn-kentañ un islavarenn enebiñ) .
    • Although it was very muddy, the football game went on.
    • Yes, its true, although its not really the whole story.
  2. Implijet hep verb a-wechoù:
    • The patients, (al)though getting stronger, will not come off their medications.

Gerioù heñvelster

Stagell genurzhiañ

although /ˈɔlðow/

  1. met, mes (hep verb ebet):
    • It was difficult, although not as difficult as we had expected.

Gerioù heñvelster