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writers’ room writing writeblr writers on tumblr writing poll

it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.

reading room writing tropes reading books book tropes booklr

one of the best fics i've ever read, one that had me addicted to my phone and crying, wasn't even prose. it was a huge, casual, bullet-pointed outline with every detail of an au that the author never got around to writing in full. and it was amazing.

let this be a message to all you who want to write but can't do it "normally": write it! someone out there will eat it up. whether that be poetry, tiny drabbles, or bullet pointed list: your work is always worth it. your art (yes, art!) will alway deserve to have its moment in the spotlight. why? because you made it. even if it wasn't done in a traditional matter, it came from your brain and your creativity and that is amazing.

writers' room writeblr writers on tumblr writing inspiration writing inspo ao3 fanfic fiction writing alternate universe creative writing writing positivity

you have to write a book* incorporating the theme/motif/location/person/etc. of this random Wikipedia article**...how screwed are you?

the random article was super interesting and now I actually want to do this!

I'm not mad at my result!

I mean, not my first choice but it's doable

I got the most boring article in existance/it was a stub


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*book = fiction, poetry (the last poll was about nonfiction)

**random Wikipedia article: here

writers' room poll writing writing community writeblr writers on tumblr

Things that don't matter when you're writing a story:

  • what will critics and detractors say about this?
  • is this as marketable as I can possibly make this?

Things that do matter when you're writing a story:

  • is this story meaningful for me, the author, to write?
  • is this the story that I want to be writing?
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