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Hey kids, day 7!

Favorite LGBTQ+ books!

In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan


One of my all time favorite books, even if it took me a while to get into it. 

We get to follow Elliot as he explores his connection to this world as he goes to school in a magic land. In his five years at school in this other land he meets so many cool people (Luke and Serene my beloveds) and some very awesome creatures (mermaids, harpies, trolls, and so much more!) 

Elliot is also canonically bisexual (like me), and has many meaningful relationships, same sex and not, which is so refreshing to read!

Would absolutely recommend people read when they have a chance!

Another book I absolutely love is Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas.


Everything about this book is wonderful, the plot, the characters, everything! I enjoyed getting to read something with a different culture and identities!

Yadriel is a trans boy who we see working to prove his gender to his traditional lantinx family. In doing so he summons the ghost of Julian… well, I don’t want to give anything away!

I sincerely loved reading this book, and want to read everything by Aiden Thomas now!

Read it!!!

I’ve also included some other LGBTQ+ books under the cut!

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ShareYourPride Day 7 still going strong loving these lgbtqia+ reads

Today’s LGBTQ+ book recommendation is:

The Shadow Game series by Amanda Foody, which includes a bisexual main character in an m/f relationship, wlw and mlm relationships, and a genderfluid side character.


Is anyone else wondering whether this series could fill a certain crow-shaped hole in our hearts? 👀Also, shout out to @fcstation1063 who is highlighting lgbtqia+ reads all month for Pride ♥️

Amanda Foody The Shadow Game lgbtqia+ reads bi pride gay pride lesbian pride