
New Wallace & Gromit movie coming! Vengeance Most Fowl features the return of Feathers McGraw (scofflaw penguin from The Wrong Trousers) and a “smart” garden gnome built by Wallace that runs amok. Timely!

Auriea Harvey’s pioneering site Entropy8 has been restored as part of a retrospective of her work at the Museum of the Moving Image. Harvey’s work was a huge inspiration for me — like, you can do that on the web?!

From Palestinian-American Mo Husseini, a list of 50 Completely True Things, including “You can advocate for Palestine without being a racist, antisemitic piece of shit” and “You can advocate for Israel without being a racist, anti-Arab piece of shit.”

The kids who were 1st graders when 20 of their classmates were murdered in Newtown, CT are graduating from high school. “There is a whole chunk of our class missing.” More than 4200 mass shootings in the US since then, several of them at schools.

A 4K restoration of Akira Kurosawa’s epic Seven Samurai is heading to theaters this summer. From the trailer, it looks pretty amazing.

Boston Should Rename Its Airport for Bill Russell. “He was Boston’s greatest sports champion, and as a brave and steadfast civil-rights leader across half a century, an even greater man.”

“who else is ready to get beat tf up by the ocean?” asks artist Tara Booth.

Paul Theroux: “In the short run, criticism seems to have merit; in the end, criticism is useless—a good book has a long life in spite of anything said about it.” I’m not sure I agree, but I did find this idea somewhat thrilling.

Is everyone really taking steroids? Rosecrans Baldwin says yes: “Someone in your life is using performance-enhancing drugs. I feel comfortable making that bet because I recently discovered how many people in my life are…”

What does “havering” mean? (“If I haver, well I know I’m going to be, I’m going to be the man who’s havering to you.”)

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