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Cloud Tiering

BlueXP tiering TCO and Savings

A simple comparison of extending your on-premises storage to the cloud using the BlueXP tiering service vs. keeping it all on-premises.

Start saving today!

Physical used capacity after ONTAP efficiencies
Data that hasn't been accessed in the last 30 days or more. The industry standard per Tiering policy:

Snapshots only- 20%
Cold User Data & Snapshots - 80%
All- 95%
See advanced options

The TCO calculation shows potential savings in storage costs resulting from tiering. Multi-year discounts are reflected in the BlueXP tiering license cost. The costs for AFF/FAS are estimated using Average Selling Prices (ASPs) obtained from research. The cost estimates for cloud object storage were determined by researching price lists from providers. The TCO calculation does not factor in expenses for data transfer associated with cloud providers. The TCO calculation does not include the savings from reducing on-premises data center expenses, such as space, power, and environmental costs.

Your estimated savings:

  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years