Collaboration with Postman Partner Workspaces creates client contentment

Confidentiality, communication, and coordination are integral to Partner Workspaces. This powerful Postman API Platform feature—available with our Enterprise and Professional plans—facilitates closed…

How Postman enhances Amazon AWS DevOps

The Postman API Platform empowers developers to optimize their API production and consumption lifecycle while enabling enterprises to offer a collaborative, secure…

How to improve API discoverability with Postman workspaces

One of the best ways for API producers to improve their API distribution strategy is to invest heavily in the discoverability of…

Creating the right Postman workspace for your needs just got easier

When we first released Postman workspaces, we wanted it to be a place to bring people and resources together for easier collaboration….

Happier times: companies share how Postman improves developer experience

No one needs friction, especially when you’re working, whether it’s tasks being repeated or out-of-date APIs being shared. With the Postman API…

Come together: how Postman workspaces and collections support developer collaboration

True strength lies in teamwork. When many minds are working on a project, it’s easier to make quick progress. The Postman API…

Manage workspace roles with the Postman API

Postman workspaces facilitate seamless API collaboration, but it’s essential for every team member to have the proper roles and permissions in order…

Introducing Workspace Management settings for greater control in Enterprise teams

Postman workspaces are hugely popular because they’re collaborative places where teams solve problems. Just like a work environment has different tools to…

How Postman uses Postman: E2E testing, feedback loops, and collaboration

We love hearing from our community about how you’re using Postman to improve your API development experience—it truly continues to inspire us….

You can now add comments to examples for easier collaboration

Commenting on collections, folders, and requests inside a Postman workspace has been quite popular among Postman users. This is because workspaces are…

The ultimate guide to setting up team workspaces

In the world of API development, collaboration is key. With multiple moving pieces and stakeholders, organization, transparency, and communication are vital to…

The Developer role in Postman can now manage groups

The ability to assign users to groups in Postman has been around for a while, but up until now, this was strictly…