Collaboration with Postman Partner Workspaces creates client contentment

Kamalpreet Badasha

Confidentiality, communication, and coordination are integral to Partner Workspaces. This powerful Postman API Platform feature—available with our Enterprise and Professional plans—facilitates closed collaboration between designated team members and external partners on APIs.

Each workspace can house collections, monitors, documentation, and more, and these assets are highly organized, so it’s easy to discover relevant APIs. Partner Workspaces ultimately act as a single source of truth for the lifecycle of your partnership-related API artifacts.

Comprehension of the complex

Loan management and servicing platform Canopy uses Partner Workspaces to align client expectations with outcomes. For Canopy, Postman’s API documentation has been pivotal in providing easily accessible knowledge. And because Canopy’s systems are complex, ensuring clients have a clear understanding of the product means best practices can be followed.

Increased product API literacy has resulted in higher customer engagement and shortened sales cycles. Additionally, as clients innovate with context-specific features, Canopy can provide guidance through the Partner Workspace. The sum effect of Partner Workspaces has improved product quality.

Clarity with collections

In one Canopy-specific example, a payment reversal workflow is forked and slightly modified. The forked collection retains all the scripts in the new workspace and changes made for a new use case.

Workspace organization and information visibility have reduced API activation time from three weeks to around five days. Changes can be seen in real time, preventing work from being duplicated, which is important to Canopy’s geographically distributed workforce. Collaboration between internal and external teams has improved dramatically.

Controlling contributors

Banking-as-a-Service platform Avenu uses Partner Workspaces to control team responsibilities regarding clients. With each client having their own workspace, teams can provide support without confusion, so troubleshooting issues has been made easier.

Avenu’s clients use workspaces to begin interfacing with their APIs. These Partner Workspaces have provided order and organization, creating a positive developer experience. Using Postman has made onboarding time and the time to value for testing approximately five to six times faster.

Partner Workspaces enable internal teams to remain aligned with external clients because changes are tracked in real time, which streamlines API development.

Learn more

Check out these additional blog posts to dive deeper into the power of workspaces for various use cases:

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